
James Howard Kunstler is one extremely savvy and insightful commentator.  Not likely you’ll find a more spot on summary assessment of US history from the 2015 elevator ride by Donald Trump, to the 2024 Trump-Biden debate that exposed like never before the unconscionable lying and deceit of the US media...

If Victor Davis Hanson represents the cerebral American and world historian, and Mark Steyn the astute, acerbic observer-of-the-world, James Howard Kunstler is the street-savvy, no nonsense, non-pretending voice of ‘get real‘. His latest post:  ‘Time to Jettison the Animals‘–packs a punch…and is spot on.  His basic takeaway:  Biden is going...

Writing under the sadly apt title of ‘Clusterf* Nation’, Mr. Kunstler is a savvy observer of what’s happening behind the phony MSM headlines, in this case regarding the explosion that’s about to occur regarding Big Pharma/Big Govt/Big Tech/Big Media and the covid vaccines.  There aren’t enough thumbs to keep the...