11 Sep Wayne Allen Root – An Astute Take on the Debate
Wayne Allen Root is a favorite here...
Wayne Allen Root is a favorite here...
My Texas GOP Friends, NOW is the time to: Click on the Links Below to get signed up to help Ted Cruz: Apply to Intern for the Ted Cruz Campaign! Ted Cruz for Senate: Intern Sign Up Volunteer for Ted Cruz today! Ted Cruz for Senate: Volunteer Sign Up Write a Letter to the Editor for the...
Sundance comes through, again. Enjoy! ________________________ Happy Labor Day Scruffnecks Happy Labor Day, Scruffnecks! …. and that has nothing to do with the color of your collar. I’ve sent this message before, and I repeat it because the one consistency in this crazy world of ours is our ability to remember that not a single person...
It's fashionable and not surprising to reflect these days on the fall of Rome...
This X thread captures the wake-up process that ought to be taking place with all millennials (and others) who got caught up in the 'hate Trump' sophistry. It also reads a lot like J.D. Vance's political maturation process. It was never about Trump, per se, but about whether the collective American...
“If every American would listen to Bobby’s speech and let it sink in, it would shock the soul of the nation back to life.” Dr. Peter Breggin has been a wonderful guest on ACWT; worth listening to here. Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger have a sense for what is good...
This post from American Thinker is getting a lot of attention, and rightly so. So refreshing to see plain-speaking recognition that we're living through an absolute blizzard of lies. You're not the only one who notices...
Did you know that thousands and more likely millions of Venezuelan citizens are still marching in the streets, protesting not only President Maduro’s theft of their July 28th presidential election, but more broadly protesting socialism/communism and the misery that system is inflicting on them? Following Hugo Chavez taking power in 1999,...