John Eastman – “The Most Secure Election in US History”

John Eastman – “The Most Secure Election in US History”

John Eastman is currently viewed as the most prominent ‘scalp’ secured by the left’s organized effort to harass, intimidate and ultimately disbar lawyers who dared to question the 2020 election result.  He’s been officially disbarred by ‘authorities’.  But read his post below from the Gatestone Institute about the 2020 election…it’s very long but at the end you will recognize that there is zero doubt whatsoever that Eastman is an intelligent, highly professional, mature and high integrity individual who knows the 2020 election mess better than just about anyone, and certainly better than his persecutors/prosecutors.  (A bullet point summary of the post is followed by the full text of the post.)

History will find John Eastman to be an American hero who has sacrificed just about all but his life in support of the American ideal of the rule of law.

But another fact in his overall recitation stands out–and that is the reported temperament of Chief Justice John Roberts, who has been reliably reported as determined not to take any of the election fraud cases, for fear that ‘they’ will burn down our cities if SCOTUS even agrees to look at the evidence.

At one level, Roberts’ angst is of course understandable, as the antifa/BLM riots of 2020–which were not resisted, investigated or prosecuted with any vigor by the FBI/DOJ–fed a fear of an uncontrollable mob waiting to decide America’s fate if SCOTUS dared not to bow to their agenda.  But Roberts’ attitude is also cowardly and naive.  The denial of truth, and of justice based on truth, is immeasurably more damaging to America that even a burned-out city.  Cities can be rebuilt in a culture that hallows truth and justice derived from truth.

The mob Roberts fears is nothing compared to the righteous anger of the ‘sleeping giant’ that is the American people en masse.  And that is who and what Roberts and his colleagues are now triggering by their consistent hope that by turning away from dealing with profound fraud on the very foundation of the American republic, they will somehow preserve it.  They are throwing fuel on the fire that is destroying America.

John Roberts should have a long talk with John Eastman.


‘The Most Secure Election in American History’