09 Apr Wisdom from Mark Steyn…on Relearning Liberty
Mark Steyn has always had the ability to cut through the surface political chatter to the deeper questions facing mankind–and particularly facing western civilization. Here’s a recent Steyn gem (with bold font added):
Just to tie everything we’ve been talking about together, you can have clampdowns on this and authoritarian reactions to that, but the deciding factor in your future is when a formerly free people lose the habits of liberty. Because then they don’t even… they can’t even comprehend what it is that they’re losing. And there’s a lot of that that is visible in the UK, in Canada, in Australia, throughout his Majesty’s Dominions, and in the United States. And certainly, you know, my general view is that the western world is in the bizarre position that it gets more western the further east you go – because the… in some ways the least insane governments now are to be found on the other side of what used to be the Iron Curtain. So the habits of liberty, when you lose them, you’ve got a whole huge relearning process that you have to come back to.
America has a few generations in great need of relearning the ‘habits of liberty” and, more broadly, the blessings of liberty. It’s never too late to start that relearning.