A C W T Statements

My Very Fine Friends,   Sometimes it seems like the attacks on freedom are working in America.   America watches as the southern border of our country remains largely  unenforced. We all know it and we all see it, and we all know there is an agenda behind it, to flood America with illegal aliens and scatter them around the country so they can be in place for the next massive...

Glenn Greenwald is a left-leaning lawyer and journalist (former contributing writer for Salon) known for fair-minded observations and an objective and inquisitive mind.  From his twitter feed: One of the most bizarre and still-unexplained episodes in the COVID pandemic was the group of scientists who told Fauci in late January they...

Dennis Prager's columns receive plenty of distribution/circulation without a post on America Can We Talk; still, this one seemed worthy of special note. Prager chronicles sixteen different dimensions or features of human experience, all of which are potentially enriching or elevating in some way, but all of which become drained of...

As the acknowledged inventor of mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone has credibility on these matters of 'science'.  And again, to the everlasting credit of the 'alternative media' abounding on the internet, it's possible to access Dr. Malone's expertise.  He's regularly speaking out.  Such a tragedy that America's legacy media has...

We don't know much about "Dr. Simon", and it's fair to be careful about evaluating new material from the internet, but this reads pretty credibly. Perhaps most striking--and easiest to resonate with Americans over a certain age--is Dr. Simon's observation about the lack of any sense from 'public health authorities' that...

From a Thanksgiving post on Dr. Malone's Telegram channel: This bears restating. We are allowing individuals untutored in biology and medicine to determine Scientific "Truth". We call them "reporters" and "Fact Checkers". When we tolerate these as the arbiters of "Scientific Truth" the ability to accurately discern reality is compromised.  We have allowed...