13 Apr April 10, 2016
The First Fifteen
Debbie takes up the subject of race relations in America. Respect for the existence of truth is a good starting point. The recent play called “Ferguson” uses unedited grand jury transcripts to bring to light exactly what the witnesses to the Michael Brown shooting said to the grand jury. What an eye-opening series of events are associated with the creation of that play! “Hands up, don’t shoot!” simply did not happen.
Former Oklahoma Congressman and Oklahoma quarterback J.C. Watts calls in for an inspiring and uplifting interview around Watts’ new book, “Dig Deep”.
Race relations are in need of healing in this country, and true conservative principles are the path to that healing.
In the second hour…
Leading ladies Lorie Medina and Mari Sullivan join Debbie for the second hour roundtable.
Author and Fox News writer and producer Crystal Berger calls in to continue the discussion on race relations in America, with her perspective as a daily contributor at Fox News. Her book “Be Extraordinary” deserves to be read…her roots in Baltimore led her to speak up and write after the Freddie Gray riots did such harm in the Baltimore community.
The leading ladies take up the imperative need to reverse the seven years of deterioration in race relations that have occurred during the Obama administration. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton do not have the answers—and Barack Obama has caused more racial strife and division than any other President.
Studies tell us the ways to solve this problem, but we taught to deny basic realities about poverty, marriage, and family.
Wendy Bell’s story is a sad window on misplaced racial sensitivity.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for our April 10th show:
Polling about race relations in US as of Jan 2016
72 percent of black children are born to single, unwed mothers
Same article has stats about consequences of growing up fatherless, including that 85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes
Black unemployment still twice as high as white
Statistics, black on black crime
Poverty Rates in America by race
Are Ted Cruz’s remarks about Obama making race relations worse, fair?
Strong families create prosperity … LOTS of data
Everything Al Sharpton Has Lived for Is at Stake This November