16 Sep The Queen | Debbie Discusses 9.14.22
Debbie answers questions that her fans sent in, and the most asked question was about the Queen. Debbie gives her insights on the passing of the Queen. #UK #QueenOfEngland #AmericaMatters...
Debbie answers questions that her fans sent in, and the most asked question was about the Queen. Debbie gives her insights on the passing of the Queen. #UK #QueenOfEngland #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how the FBI has become a national travesty, nothing but enforcement arm against political opponents of the Biden regime. The Biden admin is seeking to silence anyone who spreads concern over election fraud. #FBI #Raids #Shame #AmericaMatters...
Debbie talks to us about her 3rd annual Women For Freedom Summit and how there will be several amazing speakers there. She tells us events and details about the summit. #WomenforFreedomSummit #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how Dr. Simone Gold was released from prison. The judge for her trail was bias against her because of her being a Trump supporter. That is a terrible reflection of the Biden administration. #Dr.SimoneGold #January6 #Trump #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how the White House Press Secretary is lying to Americans right in their faces about what's been going on at the border and with the migrants there. #Border #Migrants #Lies #AmericaMatters...
Debbie answers a question her fans sent her asking about Brittany Aldean and the message she put out. The message Brittany put out talked about how Brittany is glad her parents never let her changed her gender even though she went through a tomboy phase. #Tomboy #Gender #Male #Female #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how Americans are starting to wake up and how now is that call to action for them do something about the current state of America. #Activist #WakeUp #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how the left think that even if Trump isn't reelected that MAGA will die out, but that's not the truth at all. The MAGA movement and what it stands for will out live Trump himself. #Left #MAGA #Trump #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how The Pit and Moment of Truth Summit have exposed the voting machine fraud. 2020 election records required to be preserved until early September, but Soros wants them destroyed. #ThePit #MomentofTruthSummit #VotingRig #AmericaMatters...
Debbie tells us how former VP Mike Pence and Senator Tim Scott are defending the FBI raiding Trump's Mar-A-Lago. Pence and Scott are hoping the Uniparty will get them through, but it'll be put to the test in 2022. #MikePence #TimScott #UniParty #AmericaMatters...