Debbie Dishes

“Agenda 47” plan to sell off a small amount of excess federal land…build new cities in new places…better schools…better energy efficiency…’baby bonuses’ to support families. Regardless of the specifics, Agenda 47 is a visionary, inspirational message. #Trump #Agenda #Trump47 #AmericaMatters...

Trump v. Biden in East Palestine is a stark, separating contrast. Trump acted quickly, delivered water, and connected with locals at a McDonald’s. Biden hasn't showed up at all, and Buttigieg’s appearance was late and cringeworthy. #Politics #PalestineOhio #Ohio #Trump #Biden #AmericaMatters...

Apparently a definitive ancestral research shows Angela Davis to be, a descendant of a traveler on the Mayflower, and a descendant of slave-owners. Nothing more vividly puts the lie to reparations nonsense than Angela Davis’ life story. She made a career railing against racial injustice in America. #AngelaDavis #SlaveOwners #Mayflower #Ancestor...

German newspaper has alleged Pfizer fabricated clinical trials to cover up deaths. Dr. Peter McCullough recently estimated: minimum 250K US deaths from covid vaccines. Data is rapidly accumulating around the world: sudden death, excess mortality, disabilities all dramatically on the rise since mass covid vaccination. #Covid #Death #Vaccines #Vax #Pfizer #AmericaMatters...

Damar Hamlin’s ‘pregnant pause’ re cause of heart stoppage points to vaccine injury. Funeral homes report 50% increase in activity, and across younger age groups. Yale’s eminent Dr. Harvey Risch now adamant: don’t take ANY vaccines, and a similar stance from Drs. Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. #Vaccines #Covid #Vax...

Ilhan Omar is anti-Semitic…openly and proudly. Omar dismissed 9/11 as ‘some people did something.' Omar enjoys the right to free speech, so can say these things. Omar’s case is a teachable moment for American freedom-loving patriots. #IlhanOmar #CommitteeRemoval #FreeSpeech #AmericaMatters...