17 Apr Colorado Noise Hurts Everyone Involved; Interview with IPI’s Buddy Matthews on California and Texas
Listen to the first hour of our April 17th show, here. Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the April 17th show, here.
The Opening Segment
Debbie turns first to the Colorado delegate kerfuffle; these baseless accusations hurt the political process—and that’s true whether you support Donald Trump or Ted Cruz (or any other candidate).
The ‘raddled’ state of delegate selection gets a little more attention. America is not and was never intended to be a pure democracy—think about the electoral college! This same principle is all that is at work in the various states’ decisions as to whether to have caucuses or pure primaries; there is nothing nefarious or deceptive about it. The winner has to persuade, and the rules for persuasion need to be followed.
There’s something deeper going on: Republican voters are starting to question whether Trump has the temperament to be President.
Dr. Merrill “Buddy” Matthews, resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, calls in to talk about the minimum wage increase in California—and what it means to other states, like Texas. Americans need to understand the many ways an increase in the minimum wage (plus increasing the cost of mandatory health coverage) hurts the poorest among us; exactly the wrong prescription for the people.
Dr. Matthews has also penned an article proclaiming that tax avoidance (not tax evasion) is patriotic, not selfish. Worth thinking about.
The 17th annual ‘white privilege’ conference took place recently; what a ridiculous, radical leftist demeaning of American society. To get to racial healing in this country, we are going to have to get away from ‘whiteness’ and ‘blackness’ and get back to being Americans.