Communism Coming to America in 2024?

Communism Coming to America in 2024?

Did you know that thousands and more likely millions of Venezuelan citizens are still marching in the streets, protesting not only President Maduro’s theft of their July 28th presidential election, but more broadly protesting socialism/communism and the misery that system is inflicting on them?


Following Hugo Chavez taking power in 1999, Venezuela began its decline into socialism, communism, poverty, hunger and misery. The country went in one generation from being the richest in South America, to painful poverty, food and healthcare shortages, imprisonment of opposition leaders, and hunger to the point that citizens ate their pets and later zoo animals.  Communism has ruled Venezuela ever since Chavez’s election, because once tyrants and communists gain power, they can and do manipulate everything, media, elections etc., to keep power.


Even today’s U.S. State Dept admitted that because President Maduro controls the Venezuelan federal vote-counting agency NCE, the announced Maduro victory “does not represent the will of the Venezuelan people.” A popular opposition figure clearly won, but the people are powerless.


Just think what Venezuelans would give if they could go back in time to their 1998 election of Hugo Chavez as president, and change their answer. If they could just say NO to socialism and its twin cousin communism.


Now think where America is today.


Friends, this posting is a one issue message, about communism coming to America.


The 2024 Presidential election is the first time in our nation’s history that Americans are invited to vote to take a giant step toward communism in America. I use the word communism in reference to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, with no hesitancy.  In terms of preserving the Republic, the constitution, and the promise of liberty in America for future generations, this is the most consequential election in American history.


America is watching the slow rolling but relentless takeover of our country by Marxists. I spoke about this both during my campaign for RNC Committeewoman for Texas, and for several years on my AmericaCanWeTalk show. Today’s Democrat Party was overtaken by Marxism in the early 1990’s, and since that time the Dems have been subtly, systematically, and relentlessly destroying our freedoms, fundamentally transforming America, taking us down the path to communism. The concurrent globalist agenda subtly casts an aura of false legitimacy to today’s socialist movement.


Related to this, systemic election fraud by various means infiltrated American elections in the early 2000’s.  During my campaign and regularly on my show, I have spoken about the fact that preventing election fraud, and uncovering and defeating the means used to enable the theft of elections, is a top-level agenda item for patriots. Not one state has fixed the problem.


Combining those forces—the rise of the communist agenda in America along with the fact of certain election fraud and potential election theft by means too few comprehend—puts America in a most dangerous place in 2024.


Summary of today’s posting:


  • This 2024 election year is an All-Hands-On-Deck time in America.
  • We ALL must recognize and say out loud that America is facing the empowerment of communism in the candidacy of Kamala & Tim, which would mean the end of America, the constitution, and liberty. The time to fight is now. As the saying goes, ‘you can vote your way into communism, but you can only shoot your way back out of it’. Just ask the Cubans and the Venezuelans.


The Kamala/Tim Agenda Follows a Familiar Historic Pattern


History tells us that to gain power, socialists & communists follow a pattern:


  • Communists never tell you what they are really planning to do, when they are running for office.
  • Instead, they run as progressives or Socialists, and tell you that they care more than everyone else, that they just want to help, that they can make life so much better, and can magically and at no cost give you more free things. They tell voters that their fellow citizens are their enemies and the cause of all problems.
  • Once they win, socialism spills into communism, and tyranny, in the blink of an eye.
  • Communists take control of the economy, so poverty inevitably ensues, and they weaponize their governments against their political opponents and the followers of those opponents.
  • They take control of their election and healthcare systems, end free speech, divide families, and substitute their governments for God and parents.


Check out:



  • My friend Xi Van Fleet grew up in Mao Tse Tung’s murderous Cultural Revolution and watched how this Communist ruler divided society and pitted kids against their parents, neighbors against neighbors, and changed the education system to fit the Communists’ mission. She, Xi, is figuratively screaming from the rooftops trying to make Americans see that today’s Democrat Party is engaging in tactics and messages just like Mao did to his people before Communism and tyranny was embedded in China.

Listen to my interview of her HERE. Follow her on Twitter HERE. Read her book Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning


  • Fidel Castro said in a 1959 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press that he is not a communist. Go HERE, around minute 6:28. Decades later, after imposing communism, imprisoning thousands of political opponents, permanently trapping his citizens on their island by outlawing moving away, rendering the island paradise population poverty stricken with no way out, his Communist Party continues to rule the country now under new (but it’s all the same) communist leadership.



The point of all of this is?


That America could change, that we are not guaranteed a future of freedom, that socialists, communists, and tyrants are in our midst, and they could take America down a very bad road, very quickly. The time to say no to these trends and this movement is now.  The 2024 election isn’t merely the most important election of our lifetime; it very likely could be America’s last real election if the communists are not routed far beyond the margin of cheating.


Neither Kamala Harris nor Tim Walz is going to admit to the American people that they harbor socialist tendencies or communist intentions, BUT logical people are allowed to connect the dots. So here are just a few dots.




  • The Biden/Harris administration’s economic policies caused inflation that is crushing American families, so she proposed a collectivist styled “economic plan” that includes free money for some, and using your tax dollars to help other Americans buy houses using a $25,000 freebie downpayment plan. So first her big government policies hurt the American economy, and now to fix that economy she hurt, she digs even deeper into a government-controlled economy stunt. Even the Washington Post admitted her plan is filled with “populist gimmicks.”


  • The leftists at the Post described Kamala’s grocery price-fixing scheme and federal plan on price gouging as scapegoating the issue, which is putting it mildly. The grocery industry has notoriously thin profit margins; it is not the source of prices skyrocketing. The entire Kamala economic plan reeks of the Five-Year Plan communist mindset that failed in Russia and everywhere else it’s been tried, that assumes government should take money from private citizens, redistribute it to others, fix prices, and orchestrate the entire economy, and ignores what a phenomenal failure government-controlled economies always See HERE.


  • Though now bobbing and weaving to duck criticism, Kamala recently called for the elimination of private health insurance, and supported complete government control over America’s healthcare system, as a co-sponsor of Socialist Bernie Sanders Medicare for All bill, which called for a single-payer system. Even her later revised plan retained massive government control over the healthcare system with private health insurance only permissible if highly regulated and compliant with regulations tied to government-controlled healthcare. Controlling people’s access to healthcare is a consistent Communist agenda item from Russia to Cuba to Venezuela to China to Romania, etc.


  • The Biden/Harris administration is pursuing CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, the nefarious mission of having the federal government digitize all money SO THAT you no longer will have bills and change in your wallet, but your money will all be digital, and the government will have control over it. Read more HERE and HERE. This is the ground floor leading to a Chinese Social Credit score style system that limits citizens’ access to their own money.


  • Kamala backs the US Government’s pursuit of ownership of more and more of America’s land mass under the Biden/Harris teams “30 by 30” private land confiscation scheme, pushed under the false guise of protecting the climate. That means the US government wants to own 30% of the US land mass by 2030. What screams communism more than the confiscation of private land by the federal government? Then, coming soon, is their planned next phase, “50 by 50.”


  • Kamala cannot run from the Biden/Harris agenda we have all witnessed over the last 4 years, actions that included (1) the utter abandonment of the border that allowed in millions of illegal aliens, many tied to jihad, the CCP, drug and sex traffickers, (2) the attempted surrender of American sovereignty to the WHO under the guise of just wanting to help people in future pandemics, (3) locking up political prisoners in the form of Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and in their wildest dreams, President Donald Trump and (4) Unapologetically censoring speech, from the Twitter files episode to the DHS’s Government Disinformation Board. Sounds WAY too much like Venezuela and Cuba.


Let’s not forget about Tim:



  • During the George Floyd riots he was complicit in encouraging the rioters and in allowing the officers involved to be mistreated in the most brutal manner. A must read on this is Liz Collin’s book “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd” HERE AND/OR watch the documentary that Liz Collin narrated, ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’. Watch my interview with Liz HERE.


  • He is WAY too friendly with Communist China and the CCP. Walz went to China on his honeymoon, and has visited over 30 times, on a school teacher’s salary. His coziness with the Communists caused the US House to launch an investigation into his connection with America’s number one enemy in the world.






Some might say that communism will never come to America because we have a constitution and a Bill of Rights. No one is asserting that we’ll go from freedom to communism overnight. But anyone paying attention to history knows that countries change based on the leaders they elect. The international push toward globalism and socialism is undeniable. NOW would be a great time for Americans to put a giant boulder in that path.


I know in my heart that a very large majority of Americans love living in American freedom and would never knowingly vote to give it up.  In this era where propaganda media has become utterly dishonest and untrustworthy—updates like this one help as many Americans as possible to know what is at actually at risk in this election.  Patriots must rise to save our country.


Voting for President Trump and every Republican on your ballot is the only choice there is for preserving America and freedom.


Please feel free to share this and discuss it with your friends and family members and neighbors.  And please pray for America.


Because America Matters,



Debbie Georgatos


RNC Committeewoman for Texas