Constructive thinking for America today…

Constructive thinking for America today…

There is hope for America.  There are good thinkers in America today, just as there have been throughout America’s history.  They are stepping up and speaking out.  Share their thinking, widely.  Truth unites.
“The current crises of the American system from failing education to baby formula shortages to rising crime rates to surging gasoline, diesel, and heating oil prices to an open and uncontrolled border to an assault on American values by a Big Government Socialist-woke left coalition requires big solutions. The solutions require broad support to force change on a hostile establishment and sustain it despite vicious and ferocious attacks.
“This concept of an America that works expresses itself in a common set of core values that unites 70 to 90% of voters. Those in the New American Majority strongly believe leadership and principles guided by these values will restore an America that works for all Americans.
“For example:
  • 91% agree with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. that the content of our character should matter more than the color of our skin.
  • 91% favor equal treatment regardless of race when it comes to education, jobs, health care, and government services.
  • 88% of Americans agree that America is a good country.
  • 84% believe the founding ideals of America are something worth fighting for.
  • 84% believe that parents should be able to see all curriculum plans and material for classes their children take.
  • 83% prefer to identify themselves as Americans rather than by their racial or ethnic backgrounds.
  • 79% believe that people who believe in the values found in the Bible have the right to express them publicly.
  • 75% agree that there are only two genders, male and female.”

These quotes are from a recent white paper by Newt Gingrich, “Restoring the America that Works with the Support of the New American Majority