Corona Crushing Constitution; Allen West on Restoring America; Cheers for Dr. Robin Armstrong

Corona Crushing Constitution; Allen West on Restoring America; Cheers for Dr. Robin Armstrong

Articles reviewed in preparation for the April 21st show:

Corona Crushing Constitution

Coronavirus Authoritarianism Is Getting Out of Hand


Lt Col Allen West: Virus Policy & Restoring America

Pelosi Pitches Blue State Bailout

Here’s Why We Must Reopen the Economy Now

Coronavirus cases in Texas near 19,000, 477 reported dead

TIMELINE: Here are the important dates for the reopening of Texas

Governors Divide By Party On Trump Plan To Reopen Businesses Shut By Coronavirus


Hydroxychloroquine Corona Victory for Dr. Robin Armstrong

39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says