06 Dec December 6, 2015
First Fifteen
Debbie opens the show with thoughts on the San Bernardino massacres. The famous movie Casablanca was filmed in 1942, before the outcome of WWII was known—yet American filmmakers knew who and what the enemy was, and knew the rightness of fighting it and defeating it. America needs similar clarity now. AG Loretta Lynch has no clue. What about Obama?
Will Obama’s speech tonight communicate a love for the goodness and greatness of America and the need to fight Islamic ideology?
Interviews occupy the rest of the first hour….
Vanderbilt University Professor Carol Swain calls in to talk about the tyranny of political correctness and coddled college students, in the aftermath of her op-ed urging caution regarding Islam in America.
Poltichicks founder Ann-Marie Murell joins Debbie for a discussion of the San Bernardino terrorism and the Obama administration’s response.
NCPA’s COO and resident energy expert Jacki Pick calls in to discuss the global climate change conference in Paris—what to notice and what to ignore.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the first hour:
Obama appoints Hamas sympathizer as ISIS czar
Loretta Lynch Speech about anti-Muslim backlash, threatening speech
Pamela Gellar: if Loretta Lynch wants to ban violent talk, she should ban the Quran
London Liberals are going on warpath with Islamists
German leader says Saudi Arabia must stop funding terrorism
Swain says students should grow up
Swain says in editorial in Tennessean that Hebdo attacks prove that critics of Islam were right
Students petition against Professor Swain
This is not day care, it is college
Obama calls for tighter gun control after San Bernardino
Loretta Lynch Speech about anti-Muslim backlash, threatening speech
Cruz pointed out that GOP failure to stick together—the cloture vote- gave us Loretta Lynch
Obama can use TPP to force through climate deal
UN Climate conference in Paris…draft agreement near
Second hour…
Leading ladies Cari Keleman and Drinda Randall join Debbie for the second hour roundtable.
So much to talk about with the terrorist attack in San Berardino. Gun control, really?
A new moderate Muslim group is trying to find its voice in Washington, D.C.
Hillary Clinton’s ad exploiting little girls is insulting to women.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the second hour:
Reform of Islam coming from coalition of Moderate Muslims in DC
Leading muslim voice speaks out against extremism
NYT front page editorial demanding gun control
Barbara Boxer.. Sensible Gun laws work.. CA proves it
Gun violence in a gun control state
NY Daily News Cover “God Isn’t fixing this..”
Liberals mock those who pray for the dead and impacted after San Bernardino
Critique of the NYT editorial that says “motives do not matter-take away guns”
Hillary ad is stressing being a woman 44 is too many..
New liberal women’s economics agenda (free stuff)
Trump will figure Israeli-Palestinian deal in 6 months and Israel has to give in