31 Jul DNC Dismissal; “Justice on Trial”; Baltimore
Posted at 11:29h
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Articles reviewed in preparation for the July 31st show:
Judge: DNC “Divorced from Facts”
Authors Mollie Hemingway & Carrie Severino join me to talk about their new book about the Kavanaugh Nomination, JUSTICE ON TRIAL
“Justice on Trial”: Kirby Center Interview With Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino
IWF interview of Mollie Hemingway
The rule of law, the presumption of innocence and the Kavanaugh confirmation
Baltimore & Cooking Up Hate
Analysis: Dem Candidates Call For More Than $200 Trillion in Spending
Black teen shoots at cars, allegedly shouts ‘I don’t like white people in my hood’: report
Washington National Cathedral condemns Trump’s rhetoric as ‘dangerous’