Dr. Naomi Wolf – DailyClout Wholly Erased All at Once from Facebook, Instagram; Users Receive Threatening Messages

Dr. Naomi Wolf – DailyClout Wholly Erased All at Once from Facebook, Instagram; Users Receive Threatening Messages

Americans must be awake to just how totalitarian, militant and menacing the social media companies have become.  Their behavior is way beyond biased or partisan; they act in arrogant defiance of truth.  Dr. Naomi Wolf has highlighted the latest example, reproduced below.

Naomi Wolf is just a few years past the time when she was a darling of the liberal left; an Oxford-educated intellectual in good standing as a Clinton adviser.  But she smelled a rat in the pandemic episode and particularly with regard to the question of whether the covid vaccines were safe and effective.  She has doggedly investigated public data and peer-reviewed studies and has presented her analysis and conclusions very persuasively:  the covid vaccines are neither safe nor effective by historical standards.

Any honest person interested in this subject would want to know of Dr. Wolf’s findings, especially those who have taken the vaccines.   But Facebook’s leadership has taken upon itself the authority to try and ban her information from being seen.  They apparently have taken on a babysitting role for their billions of users who might be rattled if they knew anything that conflicts with their settled worldview that all is well with the actions of Big Pharma and public health officials.

But all is not well, and the truth cannot be made to disappear.

It’s hard to believe that Mark Zuckerberg could run the Facebook colossus into the ground, but he’s giving it a shot…


DailyClout Wholly Erased All at Once from Facebook, Instagram; Users Receive Threatening Messages