Dr. Naomi Wolf – Economist Kevin Freeman Explains Coming Financial Collapse

Dr. Naomi Wolf – Economist Kevin Freeman Explains Coming Financial Collapse

A great opportunity with this postDr. Naomi Wolf is an awakened liberal making tremendous contributions exposing the criminality and moral depravity of Big Pharma and its gene therapy injections–aka, vaccines–and now she’s venturing into the economic realm with our friend Kevin Freeman.

If you don’t have Kevin’s latest book, ‘Pirate Money‘, you should get it and share it widely.  Easy to read and understand, and imperative to read and understand.

To Kevin Freeman’s great credit, he doesn’t simply make dark and accurate pronouncements about the state of the economy but is relentlessly determined and devoted to finding solutions to America’s multiple crises, and his humble, sincere, informed Christian faith guides him in all his efforts.

You can watch Dr. Wolf’s interview or read the transcript below, but best of all, read “Pirate Money“.  America’s Founding Fathers were no slouches in understanding the foibles of humanity; their Constitution is forward-looking and America-preserving if examined and understood well enough.  Even on the subject of money.


Economist Kevin Freeman Explains Coming Financial Collapse