Dr. Naomi Wolf – On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It

Dr. Naomi Wolf – On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It

Dr. Naomi Wolf is a rare and valuable contributor to civil discourse:  she is left-leaning, proudly so, but she is also self-aware, capable of self-examination and intellectually honest.  Her post-covid encounter with Pfizer’s diabolical handling of vaccine trial data shook her reflexive confidence in healthcare ‘experts’.  That encounter has caused to reflect on much of her left-leaning default thinking.

A more recent apparent brush with death has propelled her still higher in the realm of intellectual humility and honesty, and has also instilled in her a courageous resolve to write fearlessly about whatever she really thinks, even if she knows it will bring down more of the leftist mob scorn upon her.

Her latest Substack post is a very honest recounting of how her thinking about Donald Trump–indoctrinated initially into unthinking hate–has shifted into a grudging recognition that the indoctrination was just that–indoctrination–and he may be motivated by an honest love of America.

It’s a long read, but it’s all quite inspiring and hopeful for the prospect of broader awakening from the nightmare that otherwise seems to engulf us all and never end.  She hasn’t yet grasped that climate change is also a fraud, but give her time.


On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It