Elizabeth Nickson – Sage and Savvy…Pay Attention, and Fasten Seatbelts

Elizabeth Nickson – Sage and Savvy…Pay Attention, and Fasten Seatbelts

Elizabeth Nickson is about ready for the American equivalent of knighthood (Presidential Medal of Freedom?).  Her writing is so strong, so informed, so no-holds-barred…and on the most existential issues of this era…it’s really remarkable how she has risen to such visibility as an alternative media voice after a career in legacy media.

Her latest “Why Didn’t They Steal It?” is filled with astute awareness of what’s really going on in the world of rigged elections…despite the miraculous 2024 victory of Donald Trump.

Her commentary is very sobering.  And filled with honest and accurate recognition of the contributions of David Clements, Dr. Douglas Frank, Seth Keshel and Russ Ramsland—all friends and past guests of America, Can We Talk?—toward exposing this most grandiose of frauds on humanity:  rigged and stolen US elections…for nearly 20 years.


Because of courageous truth-tellers like Ms. Nickson, America and the world are in the midst of catching a wave that, when it finally crests and breaks, will deliver a jailbreak for the greater good of humanity.

When American society is collectively conscious of the following realities, a ‘fourth turning’ [link may require membership] breakout of freedom, prosperity and even good will to man will be felt globally, because historically monumental lies will finally lose their power and influence:


  • America’s 2020 election was rigged and stolen with the aid, assistance and direction of elements of the US federal government. Joe Biden didn’t get anywhere close to 81 million legal votes and was never the rightful, lawful occupant of the White House; and the agenda of the Biden years was, en toto, a tyrannical attempt to fully and finally overthrow constitutional America.


  • The Russia Collusion story was in fact a complete hoax; a story entirely fabricated by elements of the US federal government as part of a plan to discredit and preferably impeach and remove Donald Trump from office.


  • The impeachment of Trump over a call to Ukraine was entirely a fabricated construct by elements of the US federal government. Ukraine will ultimately be exposed as a money-laundering hub for mind-blowing levels of US political corruption and a center of US-funded biolab development—all of which might have been exposed had Trump been allowed to pursue his inquiry with Ukraine authorities.


  • The ‘pandemic’ and forced mRNA injections were entirely an operation of elements of the US federal government—including specifically the Department of Defense. There was never a lethal virus springing from nature; there was a bioweapon springing from US research dollars.  There was (and is) no science whatsoever behind lockdowns, masks, social distancing and ‘mandates’.  There was only a need (in the view of elements of the US federal government) to legitimize the widespread and fraudulent use of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, and to pave the way for social acceptance of gene-altering injections as the path to ‘health’ and eventual global governance of healthcare administration (with depopulation and de-fertilization as an intended side effect).


  • “January 6” was in no way, shape, manner or form an ‘insurrection’. It was a rightful and righteous protest against an obviously stolen 2020 election, and it was fomented and reshaped into something that could be packaged under the label ‘insurrection’ by a deliberate plan of elements of the US federal government.  The now-admitted 26 ‘confidential human sources’ at the Capitol that day only hint at the scale of the operation and the deception.  The purpose was to engineer and hurry a certification of the stolen 2020 election, and it worked as planned, as gutless, clueless, craven elected officials allowed themselves to be herded as directed.


The subsequent prosecutions and judicial endorsement of the incarceration and torture of righteous American protesters is the most grotesque stain on the concept of the ‘rule of law’ as has ever been recorded in American history.


How will we know when American society is ‘collectively conscious’ of these realities?  Well, it doesn’t take every one of 350 million people to understand them.  It takes a small, irate minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom among men…as Sam Adams might say…to persist in spreading the truth.  And that irate minority is getting very close to achieving the critical mass of collective consciousness in the American body politic.

Patrick Byrne—one of America’s preeminent heroes of this era—believes Americans are less than 60 days from having the full scope of the 2020 stolen election exposed and understood by all…and the rest of the lies will soon fall like dominoes (listen for yourself, here).

So make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened.  Drones are just a hint at the range of chaos the caged and cornered Deep State may be willing to unleash on America to prevent Trump’s inauguration on January 20th.

They are not going to succeed; the Butler assassination attempt failed for reasons they can’t fathom and can’t overcome.

Hold on!


Why Didn’t They Steal It?