05 Jan Elizabeth Nickson – The Sewer Stench of the National Security State
Elizabeth Nickson’s posts are among the most intriguing ‘reads’ in the world today. Newcomers to her work may place her a little ‘out there’, especially as to her musings about the lingering (and still emerging) effects of ‘MKUltra’ and other forms of mind control experimented with and exploited by the intelligence agencies. But she is no lightweight; she does the research; and at the proverbial ‘end of the day’, readers are left with the troubling question: “How is she wrong?”
One thing is for sure: Nickson’s writings–if they are anywhere near the truth–confirm that we are living through one of the most consequential awakenings in human history. That can be a great thing for everyone.
The Sewer Stench of the National Security State
They are hiding the transformation, the real Golden Age.
My New Year’s resolve, as it is every year, is to read a difficult book for two hours every day. When researching I tend to strip mine a subject, but careful, methodical reading is curative and calming, plus exercise for the mind. So this past two weeks I have been buried in the collected works of Annie Jacobsen, a former Los Angeles Times Magazine reporter, now the patient chronicler of the National Security State. Her book on nuclear war was released in time for 2024’s attempt by the Cheneys/military to start a nuclear conflict, and she was interviewed by all the right people by which I mean Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan. The Paperclip “scientists”, DARPA, the military investigation of psychic phenomena, and Area 51 have fallen under her pen. Or sort of fallen. Jacobsen’s is the definition of a limited hangout. Not her fault, her work is solid, deeply respectable. Much of what she has written was built pre-Covid; post-Covid, an entire universe of knowledge was revealed by independent media, and the world changed.
At the same time I was filling in a 25 page form for an ongoing legal action regarding my mother’s time as an unwitting MKUltra subject, which Jacobsen touches upon. Briefly, in the 50’s and 60’s, a CIA cutout funded the discovery of the basics of mind control at a rather grand castle in Montreal. More importantly Allan Dulles and psychiatrist Ewan Cameron did so after a lovely research trip to the Nazi death camps archives, after which they sat at the feet of Nazi behaviourists and subsequently imported some and insinuated them into the National Security State. Ever since? One monstrous horror after another has been visited upon the American people and the world.
“Military intelligence is like Congressional Ethics, I question whether it exists”.
Congressman Tim Burchett (R)
For the past 75 years, all of us, all of us, have been held like stunned lizards in the grip of the program these two entirely vicious and rabid humans took from the Nazis during the time of the Nuremberg trials. When discussing my family’s experience with James Delingpole last summer, he theorized that the Montreal Experiments, while they tormented every class of people, including Catholic orphans, and (possibly) indigenous children – their primary aim was experimenting on alpha women, because a lot of the subjects were wives of the elites – Birks, Molsons, Masseys – the storied names of families who built storied companies. Given the limitations of the time, marrying well was the apex achievement for an ambitious and talented woman, so it may be that they were working on manipulating the female psyche. Take a highly intelligent woman with “anxiety”, my mother’s diagnosis or postpartum distress or alcoholism, someone not truly ill, in other words a viable subject, and go to town on her. They learned a lot. There is nothing more stampede-able today than the average female, scratch her installed programming just a little bit and lo! Hysteria. I spot the National Security State lurking around the socials trying to start a pussy-hat riot, the odd cut-out trying to rally the troops.
And…nothing. Just like the orbs, the drones, the fog. Suspicion and … nothing. Things are changing. Slowly. I suspect people are just….nope, no more hysteria to feed you, DARPA.
I look at my mother pre-Cameron, and she was a titanic figure. Beautiful, sharply intelligent, funny, a crack amateur athlete who competed and a gifted pianist, a Naval officer. She was a secretary and courier for the National Atomic Commission during the war, not a job you give to the mentally unstable. What on earth would possess someone to break something so fine? In her records, Cameron refers to her as “this girl”, and suggests, after a session in which he drugged her with massive doses of speed and sodium amytal, whereupon her speech became garbled, she is “more disturbed than we thought”. It’s sadistic. And I think of us, without DARPA and the mind control visited on all of us, and imagine what we lost. Because all of us are like battered women, but we don’t even know it. We don’t know what we could have become because it has been taken from us without our knowing by our people, by people we finance.
We know the culprits. Who today are shredding records as fast as they can. My mother’s psychiatric records have been cleansed and cleansed again, entire sections missing, like all the bedside notes, all the detailed treatment records, and that is what is happening today in D.C. and Langley, people are working overtime deleting in the time between the Cabbage and what they fear as the Orange Man’s retribution. Time everything was on the blockchain and inviolate.
It was during the Vietnam fiasco that the fiends stepped up their program. Jacobsen’s detailing of the monstrous behaviour of DARPA, then called ARPA, with regard to the Vietnamese, triggered a lot of furious stamping around the house. What she describes is the chaos ensuing that promoted the stupidest and most venal members of the operation, who then made one catastrophic error after another. The brutality, the insane amounts of money spent, the ridiculous attempt to surveille the Ho Chi Minh trail, the forcing of Vietnamese peasants into forts like the ones in early Westerns, which they were bullied into building and hated. Despite detailed interviews and evidence, ARPA deliberately misinterpreted what the Vietnamese wanted, which was the end to corruption in their government. Sound familiar? The North Vietnamese too barely understood communism, all they wanted was the end to corruption in their government. Then ARPA came up with the wholesale poisoning of the forests and people via their invented poisons, which is happening in every Western country via vaccines, poisoned food and geoengineering. All parallel today’s idiocy. Really I am a country woman and what I want is a rifle and permission to put down a rabid dog. Dogs.
It was the blowback from the Vietnam protests that accelerated DARPA’s mind control program. The Church Committee in the 70’s supposedly shut it down but it just went black and became more violent, more hate-filled. We know today that military intelligence infiltrated the flower child and rock and roll communities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, and we also know that Charles Manson, like so many of our shock murderers, was a child of MKUltra aimed at the peace movement, to darken it, to discredit it, to imply agitating for peace meant destruction of the worst kind. We know these things because they have been unearthed by serious people who wrote books that are a mile deeper than anything pre-Covid.
From the 70’s on, one brutal behaviourist program after another was rolled out. No one was caught and punished, so they just continued. The corruption of feminism, turning it anti-family, and wrenching the freedom to enter the professions towards base sexual expression and the hatred of men. Have you read transsexual ‘fiction’? It is vile and disgusting; these poor people have been pummeled into seeing themselves as their most primitive selves. In fact they have been encouraged, even forced, to invent new perversities. Imagine a line of vomit emojis here.
The introduction of crack into once healthy black communities, the twisting of the playful meaningful break dancing and street poetry on the streets of New York in the 80’s to violent misogynist “music”, which stood up vile characters like Jay Z. and Sean Combs, who rape and torture children (allegedly). The theory that rap was invented to bulk out the privatized prison industrial system makes more sense than anything else. In fact, a great deal of activity was meant entirely to create more money for the National Security State to meddle in just about everything. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, election fraud, Covid, the vaccine, all have been traced back to the Department of Defence. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova’s work on the invention of the virus by Defence contractors and its codification in Defence department records would redeem the corrupted Pulitzer Prize were it awarded them. And Whitney Webb makes it clear that Jeffrey Epstein devised the system by which bureaucrats and politicians could enrich themselves from public money, compromise and manipulate one grandee after another, and finally, using Les Wexner’s more disgusting habits, create out of his state, the system that trafficks children for the National Security State, of which there are military witnesses. Another opportunity for the entirely disgraced Pulitzer to redeem itself, missed.
The vulgarity of the culture, the violence of entertainment, the crude sexualization of just about everything and everyone, the chewing up of children, the trafficking of children, the Epstein and Diddy ventures, both men in the employ of Mossad and the CIA. Every single entertainment film, book, concert is so dark, so heavily sexualized, it is Satanic. In the 90’s the story coach Robert McKee was read by everyone who wanted to write movies and commercial fiction. McKee charged big money to teach the visceral and emotional shocks to be placed throughout the work, begin with a horrifying death, then another shock at the 33%, 50%, 62% marks. From 75%-100% is meant as one horror after another. Literature and film bent to attack and terrorize the reader or viewer, to turn them to pliable, frightened children. This is what MKUltra is, repeated trauma followed by programming. All of us endure nightly traumatic shocks, as our emotions are engaged by a sweet or brave character who is then brutally murdered.
We are just scribes taking dictation at the right hand of the King
-Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes
The Mockingbird media was corrupted by the 50’s, according to the then head of CBS and the famed journalist Mike Wallace. More trauma conditioning via one programmed and artificial nightmare after another. MKUltra discovered how to systematically dumb down Americans. Repeated shocks in “the news” shave IQ points, shave self-determination, eliminate any belief you can fix anything, and then for relief, you turn to Netflix and you are further programmed. The flagrant and shameful lies of climate change and extinction, are meant to drive the peasants into fortress prisons they fund and build themselves, like the Vietnamese. Geoengineering degrades the land and air we use and breathe like Agent Orange destroyed the forests of Vietnam. Popular culture’s insistence on “focusing on yourself”, the ceaseless pawing over your “traumas” and PTSD, the sickening narcissism that results in vain virtue signalling without thought. That was all created via MKUltra, and purposed for culture-wide implementation.
And then today, right now: drones, orbs, fog, two terror attacks on New Year’s Day, the promise of nuclear war, another mass shooting in Manhattan on Thursday. One thousand ISIS fighters entering through the open border, ready to inflict mayhem. All bear the mark of the beast, of Langley, of DARPA, MKUltra, the National Security State.
Why? Why set up a multi-billion dollar agency staffed with the most brilliant and conscienceless to be found and give them a task: immiserate, bankrupt and stupefy the populace? As Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett points out, military intelligence’s budget has gone up 85% annually for the past twenty years. Why make your purpose to destroy your people, to make them scared, make them financially desperate, make them ravenous for stuff and sex and violence for relief from the terrifying world you have created, divide them by sex and race and politics, make them pay for their own destruction, make them send their kids to war? Post WW2, America was about to build a Golden Age like never seen before. DARPA and the military methodically destroyed that promise.
“They are using security as a cover for illicit, or illegal or even treasonous activities.”
Military historian James C. Goodall.
In fact, what is more likely than any other scenario is that for the past 70 years, the aerospace industry and senior intelligence and military have been using advanced technologies from downed craft, to enrich and empower themselves.There are over 1,000 witnesses and sworn affidavits now, from aerospace engineers, from senior military, from intel officials, senior enlisted men. There are photographs, drawings, locations identified, thousands upon thousands of documents archived and ready to read. There is so much evidence it would drown the average human. There are downed craft, there are alien bodies, there is reverse engineered tech that would benefit mankind.
Among people – not the ones obsessed by clothes, sex, stupid music, celebrities and make up – all over the world, this is the chief obsession. Burchett, the Congressman most determined to force disclosure, says he is daily flooded with requests and connections with people from everywhere, demanding to know.
More people believe in UFOs than Congress – Tim Burchett
Who are the culprits? According to those closest to the issue, they are individuals way up in the defence contractor and intelligence communities, working in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and the Atomic Energy Commission.
This is what is happening in the U.S. Congress right now:
The other huge breakthrough this fall is that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence as well as the Armed Services Committee passed out of the Senate unanimously an amendment to the intelligence funding bill that would require all these corporations —Northrup, Raytheon, EG&G, SAIC, Lockheed Skunk Works —to turn over the material: the reverse engineered craft, the bodies, the exotic technologies, within six months of the passage of the bill. Or be criminally prosecuted.
A new whistleblower law was codified this autumn which protects whistleblowers across the military and into the aerospace industries, and this invasion of objects over continental US. coincides with the first whistleblowers going through the system..
We possess the technology for anti-gravities and we possess the technology for advanced energy generating technologies. If we knew what they have been hiding, their fortunes would be confiscated, they would be tried for treason, and within twenty years an end to pollution and poverty. Their activities are extra-constitutional, unsanctioned and illegal. They cannot hide behind national security.
Their last play is the following: Luis Elizondo, who published a book this fall on his work within the Department of Defence on the alien question, is seen as a Deep State stooge, advancing the theory that the aliens are malignant. According to every other individual who has had contact with the ships, the creatures and the technology, this is another feint to shore up criminal activity. Over the past fifty years, DARPA’s operatives have created records of false flags that show alien hostility and they trot them out to intimidate politicians, media and any curious President, whom they view as a temporary employee.
Other intel officials have come forward in private with first hand accounts of UFO’s – Senator Marc Rubio
This last is from an enlisted man who has seen a craft hovering at close range at a military base. “It was a very powerful electro magnetic plasmic system and phenomenally beautiful.”
This is the most top secret shit you have ever heard of and the men who are guarding it believe they are protecting us. I am a born signal soldier with the heart of a super sapper combat engineer. I am putting this out there to keep those boys alive and to get tank warfare ended because it’s obsolete and whoever is controlling this needs to be investigated, they need to hand over the reins because it’s not theirs, it’s the property of the U.S. Military and the people, not the controllers of this. This technology belongs to the people and the free citizens of the globe and you’ve broken (the keys to) a technology that can save lives of everyone on the planet. You are liars. You are covering up the truth and you want me silenced. You want that gentleman who spoke before me silenced. You want Dr. Greer’s people silenced, you want all of these men including Murph, one of the bravest men who ever served in the United States Military and Armned forces, you want us silenced?
And we will not stand down, we are here to stay, and we will bark sound clear and if you don’t move that RICO action, we will find you. The forward actions you have planned will not succeed.
The good people are here and we will not fail.
Welcome to Absurdistan is not pay-walled, but if you have been here a while, please consider an inexpensive annual subscription. The four years ahead are going to blow off the heads of our sickening corrupt elites and the structure they have built to impoverish us and benefit them. Absurdistan is 100% here for it.
The happiest of the New Year to Absurdistan’s readers. You inspire me. You are the next thing. There is no stopping it now.
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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists,,How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, fcpp.org. You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here: https://independent.academia.edu/ElizabethNickson.
Her essay on the catastrophic failings of Canada’s CBC is included in Michael Walsh’s Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Press Hates You, published in September 2024