Emerald Robinson – Why Was Hunter Biden Funding COVID Research?

Emerald Robinson – Why Was Hunter Biden Funding COVID Research?

Emerald Robinson’s posts have achieved the designation of ‘must read’ no matter what the subject.

Americans are slowly and agonizingly facing a stark reality:  their government is corrupt, dishonest, immoral…of if you want one word to describe it:  evil.

You’re not going to want to accept what she’s reporting below.  You will think, “Surely our government isn’t that manipulative, that amoral, that unspeakably evil.  Surely there is shred of human decency that would not have allowed this to happen.   Surely someone I trust will tell me this is not true.”

But surely it is.  And the sooner we get the mass of the American people awake to this reality and willing to stop it, the sooner it will be stopped.


Why Was Hunter Biden Funding COVID Research?