Comments About the Book

From Rafael Cruz:

“An important book for every thoughtful American—man or women—to read. This book makes the case that everyone is better off living under policies only conservatives support.”
- Explains big and important political ideas in a friendly understandable way.
- A handbook for conservative thinkers.
- Makes the case that Republican ideas are best for everyone.
- Connects important political ideas with the issues Americans face.
- Explains in a straightforward way how big government hurts everyone, especially the most vulnerable Americans.

From a California businessman and dad:

“I wanted to write you today because I just finished Debbie’s book. Wow! Not only did she research the topics well, she did a masterful job of putting the difficult (and much unknown) subject matter into English. I do understand why she directed it to women, but this book is written for both men and women…I fully agree with everything in her wonderful book.Like a Republican, she bases her views on facts, and backs them up with references. My mother loved the book too.”

From a Dallas-area man:

“Debora, I read your book yesterday (yes, I know it’s for Ladies, but DR gave it to my wife!) and thought it was one of the best written assessments of America that I’ve read in a long time. You’re a modern day Paul Revere!” – CW

From a leading real estate broker in the Dallas area:

“I majored in Economics in college and can hardly believe how many smart women do not understand basic economic ideas—so they get duped by politicians! This book is the best explanation of basic economic ideas that everyone should know that I have read. I’m giving it to my “independent” friends!” – DI

From a Dallas resident whose neighbor gave her the book:

“I emailed a bunch of my work girlfriends and sent them the link for the book. I started reading it last night and am so enjoying it! This is politics that I can relate to! And that makes a huge difference! I may send my friend one (in an attempt to keep her from the Socialism brainwashing that she is getting).” – KO

From a Dallas-area conservative leader:

“I’ve been working through your book. Great stuff! It’s like a pocket-sized encyclopedia of common sense.”

From a high school government teacher in Florida, upon receiving the book as a gift from a parent:

“I believe it will make a great resource for the current unit in Government. We are going to learn about the Electoral College and voting trends in the next two weeks. The book will bring in the female message.”

From a Plano, Texas activist:

“Ladies, Can We Talk? America Needs Our Vote!by Debbie Georgatos is the book I have been waiting for! She has nailed it! Debbie’s book is the perfect conservative answer to the Democrats’ “War on Women” farce, and is designed to empower women to speak up in defense of conservative ideas, and also to offer independent women some straight talk about the long term consequences of liberal big government policies. I love this book!” – DR

From a Dallas Republican activist who bought 6 copies of the book:

“I am getting very positive feedback from my friends to whom I sent a copy. Copies were mailed to Midland, Odessa, Connecticut, Houston and Boston — Your message is nation wide now!” – CT