Explosive Revelations of Corruption in Your Department of Justice

Explosive Revelations of Corruption in Your Department of Justice



Meet Sidney Powell, a highly sought after appellate attorney whose career includes 10 years serving as an Assistant United States Attorney performing civil and criminal trial work, and heading up an appellate section for the two different federal court districts. She is described as probably “the leading 5th Circuit practitioner in Texas” by fellow attorneys, and “a brilliant lawyer … fearless advocate” by clients. Her list of clients is a who’s who of prominent businesses, and she writes beautifully.


Her new book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, reads like a page-turner Grisham novel. It is available on Amazon and in bookstores, and on her website www.licensedtolie.com.


Licensed to Lie will alarm you because she is telling about her first-hand experiences with corruption in the U.S. Department of Justice. It is a must-read for informed Americans who want to preserve the integrity and fairness of our precious legal system. She names names, tells (true) tales, and explains the intricacies of complex cases with ease and complete clarity.

The book features the insider’s look at the overturned conviction of the late U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, the DOJ’s internal (clearly misnamed) Public Integrity Section, the belligerent conduct of the DOJ’s Enron Task Force, and the conviction of a completely innocent man by a DOJ bound and determined to pursue convictions, regardless of facts or law.


The Enron collapse created an atmosphere of intense public pressure, or actually closer to mob hysteria, that emboldened prosecutors to make unprecedented decisions, to violate clearly established legal rights of the accused, and to push for maximum sentences for individuals who had done little (if anything) wrong. Prosecutorial malfeasance, hiding of exculpatory evidence in violation of the Brady Rule, and belligerence toward individuals, businesses and the courts/judges were all on display.


But the good news of the book is that Sidney Powell offers some answers. She tells her readers the many ways Americans, and Congress, can act to prevent such profound injustices from occurring again. In these times when our political system and our political parties seem fractured and worlds apart, the integrity and fairness of our justice system ought to be one cause around which we can unite.


I tell all of my audiences in talks about my book, Ladies, Can We Talk?, that they need to Speak Up for America! Read Sidney’s book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, and speak up for our justice system. It is part of speaking up for America.