08 Feb February 7, 2016
First Fifteen
Debbie takes a detailed look at the subject of immigration, and the very troubling history of Marco Rubio’s efforts to ‘reform’ immigration law. Phyllis Schlafly has issued a 15 page history that is very harsh but very accurate regarding Senator Rubio’s words and actions.
Also in the first hour:
Obama visits a mosque…lots of implications in what he said and did not say.
Investigative reporter Jim Simpson calls in to discuss the history and implications of the UN’s refugee programs and the Democrat Party’s goals for these programs and for immigration policy generally.
In the second hour:
Leading ladies Lorie Medina and Mari Sullivan join Debbie to talk about the hot topics of the past week, including:
- The New Hampshire Debates
- Iowa Caucuses follow up
- Bernie and Socialism and Vladimir Putin
- The “Article One” Movement
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the February 7th show:
Rubio the immigration chameleon
National prayer breakfast: Obama’s remarks
Iowa and Leading Lady Lorie Medina quoted in army of volunteers
Left thinks Rubio is too far right
Paul Ryan asks conservatives to stand down and don’t rattle Congress at Heritage function
American University backlash against Conservative Feminism
Russia moves to privatize oil while Bernie moves to socialize America