08 Dec How to Become a Delegate to the 2024 Texas State GOP Convention
All registered voters in Texas are eligible to become delegates to the Texas State GOP Convention. This posting describes the simple delegate application process.
Only Texas GOP Convention delegates can vote on who will represent us as the
RNC Committeewoman for Texas. This vote will happen at the next Texas GOP State Convention, which will be held May 23rd to 25th, in San Antonio.
How to become a delegate to the 2024 Texas State GOP Convention:
- Shortly AFTER the March 5th, 2024, primary, attend your Precinct Convention, and at that convention, nominate yourself OR ask someone else to nominate you, to be a delegate to the County or Senate District (SD) Convention.
- Then, attend the SD or County Convention as a delegate, and again nominate yourself OR ask someone else to nominate you, to be a delegate to the Texas State GOP Convention.
All counties have Precinct Conventions. All also have either an SD convention OR a County convention. The Precinct and SD/County Conventions may occur on the same day. These conventions are just meetings with other Republicans in your area.
To find out the dates and location for these conventions in your county, contact your precinct chair OR your County Party Chair. To find your County Party chair’s contact information, go to https://texasgop.org/county_chairs/
The Texas GOP published a summary of the delegate selection process for the 2020 elections. The same process will be used in 2024, with different dates.
You can read this summary HERE: https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Delegate-One-Pager.pdf
I strongly urge you to read this as it very clearly lays out the process.
This process is simpler than it may seem from what I am writing, but it does require your effort to attend these conventions and nominate yourself or be nominated.
Feel free to contact your GOP County Chair with any questions.
I hope to see you in San Antonio!
Debbie Georgatos
Candidate for RNC Committeewoman for Texas