HR 1 – America and Kavanaugh Exhale

HR 1 – America and Kavanaugh Exhale

HR 1 – Ford’s Ex-Boyfriend was the Real Whistleblower; Monica McLean Should be Put Under Oath; Lessons for America; NYT Op-Ed Insanity; Susan Collins Stands Up; Harvard and Yale Law Schools Embarrass Themselves

Listen to the first hour of our October 7th show here.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the October 7th show:

SCOTUS Kavanaugh and what we know about the accuser … NO credibility. #GuiltyBecauseAccused OR Presumption of Innocence..

Ms. Blasey-Ford Legal Team: No Further Plans To Pursue Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh…


Bill Maher says things have moved from listen to a woman who said she’s been wronged to automatically believe


Read Susan Collins Speech in Support of Brett Kavanaugh 

Rand Paul’s wife writes open letter to Cory Booker 

14 Completely Insane Reactions to Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation as Case Collapses


Capitol Police arrest 567 protesters in last 3 days


Militant #MeTooMob is tribalistic #ProtectOurSons


Tomorrow’s Elite Lawyers Disavow Due Process


Trump Tweet about Dems, Nikki Haley & UN,

Georgetown gives ‘castrate their corpses’ prof a paid vacation

New Counter-terrorism Strategy Names Radical Muslims as the Enemy 

Trump’s Remarkable Week


Snowflake update -Academic Grievance Studies Fraud

Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship


Patti Stockman…

Supporters Say Former GOP Congressman’s Conviction Latest Example of ‘Deep State’ Retaliation