HR 1 – Beria Revisited: New York AG

HR 1 – Beria Revisited: New York AG

HR 1 – Beria Revisited: New York AG; America is in Serious Danger; the Framing of Michael Flynn is Obvious and an Outrage; Now an Investigation of Inaugural Funding?; Lying to the FBI?; Hush Money?; Understanding Trump’s Support; Blexit (!)

Listen to the first hour of our December 16th show here.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 16th show:

Incoming NY Attorney vows to use full power of the State to get Trump

Stark political divides second only to health care on America’s list of national worries

 Flynn’s Fate

Is the Flynn Guilty Plea going to be thrown out?

DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/{age Text Messages Before the IG Could Review Them

US Attorney for Utah John Huber won’t testify before panel on Clinton Probe

Trump Inauguration Spending under Criminal Investigation by Federal Prosecutors

David Harris Video on Blexit


Trump speaking at WH Congressional Christmas Party

No room for a Christmas Miracle” Donald Trump is canceling White House party for press

Trump Names Mulvaney Acting White House Chief of Staff

44 ex-Senators pen op-ed calling on Senate to defend democracy as Mueller probe ends

Democrats Introduce Bill Requiring US to Call Abortion a “Human Right”


Professor Marc Lamont Hill tells UN that he wants to see a Palestinian State from river to the sea (calling for destruction of Israel)

A Rabbi speaks out on Marc Lamont Hill and the rising tide of open anti-Semitism

Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional


Boy Scouts of America may file for bankruptcy following lawsuits over sexual abuse allegations

Liberalism Bankrupts the Boy Scouts