HR 1 – Macron’s War Zone, and the Lies of Secular Socialism

HR 1 – Macron’s War Zone, and the Lies of Secular Socialism

HR 1 – Macron’s War Zone, and the Lies of Secular Socialism; France’s Cultural Collapse; the Clinton Foundation Fraud Resurfaces; Comey is Offensive and Disgusting; the Cohen Sentencing Memo; Fasten Seatbelts for Dems in 2019

Listen to the first hour of our December 9th show here.

Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the December 9th show:

The Riots in France Aren’t just about Gas Taxes, but about the West’s Decline

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers have hundreds of pages of evidence 

Judge orders new fact-finding in Clinton email scandal, hits Hillary with scathing critique 

Comey’s Confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant 

Report: Mueller pressing hard on Trump Tower Meeting 

Mueller’s Theory: Trump Defrauded Voters 

Andrew C. McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney 

The Russia Probe becomes a banal sex scandal 

Can a sitting president be indicted? Constitution does not give a definitive answer 

Retiring Paul Ryan Pushes Stealth Outsourcing, Amnesty for Irish Lobbies 

Principal bans candy canes. Says “J” shape stands for Jesus 

‘Your time is up’ South Africa sets date for white farmer land grabs – March 2019 

Retiring Paul Ryan pushes Stealth outsourcing, amnesty for Irish lobbies 

Caravan Organizers dump migrants, flee responsibility 

The Education of Huawei 

Trade War: US can start to reverse China’s “debt-trap diplomacy’ 

Don’t Trust the Intel When it Comes to Iran’s Nuke Program 

Gold Star Families $10 Billion lawsuit against Iran Opens in Federal Court 

Congressional Law Fails to Reach Female Genital Mutilation