12 Oct Hugo Gurdon – Editor-in-Chief, Washington Examiner
“…The Israeli-Palestinian conflict fits neatly into the Left’s Manichean moral order, in which backward nations of the “global South” are to be excused and supported because their miserable conditions are allegedly due not to failings of their own but to predation by successful developed democracies.
Through this distorted lens, the awfulness of Gaza has nothing to do with Gazans ruining the functioning territory Israel handed them 18 years ago, then choosing a terrorist government that abandoned elections, tyrannized the populace, and spends all its energy and resources killing Jews.
The Left’s ideology rejects personal responsibility and reflexively blames economic, social, and cultural forces for all inequalities in the lives of different peoples. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing way of thinking. In denigrating success and excusing failure, it is also, of course, naturally revolutionary.
Its problem today is that Hamas’s outrages have helped expose it as a colossal lie.”