04 Apr Jimmy Dore – “We’ve been lied to on a scale most people’s brains cannot comprehend…”
Posted at 11:00h
in A C W T Statements
But more and more people are comprehending…

Jimmy Dore
We’ve been lied to on a scale that most people’s brains cannot comprehend.
If you ever wondered how people would act during tyranny & fascism just look how they acted during Covid.
Most people were compliant dupes of authority who viciously attacked those who stood by their principles of freedom, bodily autonomy, skepticism of government & Big Pharma, always questioning authority, free speech, & resisting authoritarianism.
Famous Comedians who I respected & admired, who’s [sic] entire brand is being rebellious truth tellers, revealed their inner coward & willingness to repeat propaganda while simultaneously smearing those who were ACTUALLY speaking truth to power & were dismantling bogus establishment narratives.
Those people are now putting their Covid behavior in a memory hole because they lack the character needed to admit their crimes & apologize.
I didn’t want to know this about them, but now I do & I can’t un-know it.