John Gillespie – J6 Truth Will Out

John Gillespie – J6 Truth Will Out

John Gillespie
For those of us still holding on to the “official” narrative regarding the events of 6 Jan 2021, please lend a few moments for consideration:
We have access to surveillance and bodycam footage, thanks to our House members and court cases. You can match up timestamps and see what happened to easily debunk the narrative.
Bodycam Legal Exhibits:
One of the preplanned articles, which was apparently meant to be part of the initial media blitz to push the J6 narrative, was published hours BEFORE the supposed insurrection occurred.
As of this posting, its timestamp still shows: “January 6, 2021 · 9:33 AM ET.” An old screenshot of the article header is included below, just in case.
Why do you persist with believing this hyperpartisan narrative which was put forward by people who stand to benefit from its acceptance?
U.S. citizens were murdered on video by Capitol Police that day as part of a concerted effort to incite a riot by deliberately and violently assaulting what was a peaceful protest for over an hour with projectiles, explosives and chemical munitions.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights has been shredded by the Progressive establishment in the aftermath.
Do you not owe it to yourself, your family and your neighbors to look at the evidence, which is freely available to you, and draw your own conclusions free from being told what you are allowed to believe?
Free thought and free expression are critically important Liberal values, concerned with our basic Human Rights to seek out Truth and attain our Liberty.
This is America, after all.
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