Judge v. Wall; Allen West on EU; MLK Statues?

Judge v. Wall; Allen West on EU; MLK Statues?

Articles reviewed in preparation for the May 28th show:

Federal Judge Rules Trump Cannot Exercise Presidential Authority

Judge Blocks Border wall Funding

Trump in Japan: Pomp and tense circumstance


Lt Col Allen West joins me to talk: EU Nationalist Election Victories: Trump Echo?

EU Elections:  Surge in Support for Nationalist Parties, Greens at Expense of Historically Dominant Parties

The Base Gets itself a New Elite


Remove MLK Statues?

Author on Buttigieg’s comments on Thomas Jefferson: This ‘shows how radical’ Democratic base has become

#MeToo Comes For Martin Luther King

No Heroes Left: The MLK Revelations

Why Socialists Want to Destroy Our Memory of the Past