10 Jul July10, 2016
The First Five
Debbie takes up the shootings of police officers in Dallas. America is clearly at a crossroads. The trashing of the police; the sewer of social media—all need to be examined by thoughtful people.
Too many lies are being fomented by social media, and they are influencing the most ignorant among us. “Hands up, don’t shoot” never happened in Ferguson, Missouri; the supervising onsite officer at the time Eric Garner was arrested was a black woman. The narratives of racist, trigger happy white police attacking defenseless black—driven off of these stories—are simply lies. Pushing them sadly deflects attention from incidents that may truly warrant punishment of police.
Crime data must be examined…listen to the truth.
So what will it take to bring healing to America? Honest acceptance of facts and data, and willingness to speak truth about motive, will be a start. The ignorance of CNN commentators on the Constitution’s ‘three-fifths’ rule is astounding.
In the second hour….
Leading ladies Chris Davis and Drinda Randall join Debbie for the second hour roundtable.
One Question and Two Rapid Fire Answers: What should serious patriotic Americans DO to help heal the racial tension in America? What is it going to take to turn things around? AND Will the Dallas police officers deaths impact the fall elections?
Listen to a great discussion.
Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, calls in to talk about where things stand with her organization’s watchdog observations as America approaches the November2016 election. Sadly, not a particularly optimistic report, and future trends in federal and state legislatures are even more worrisome. People need to wake up before it’s too late.
The final segment of the show focuses on the FBI and Hillary Clinton—a travesty for the rule of law in America. But Comey did provide the bullet points for political indictment of Hillary in this election. Hillary is a tyrant-in-waiting. If the millennials learn the truth of who she is, she will not win.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the July 10 show:
Rush interviews Heather Mac Donald about her new book, The War on Cops
Heather Mac Donald Speech at Hillsdale about BLM
Arsenal of weapons found in home of Dallas police murderer
MN police shooting narrative starts to fall apart
The thinking of a BLM activist
Black Panther case at beginning of Obama term
Names and faces of Dallas officers killed
#BlackLivesMatter, White Guilt and the Marketing of Racism
The case involving a judge upholding the proof of citizenship requirements
Transcript of James Comey/FBI speech saying he recommends no prosecution …
Punishments for other secrecy violators vs Hillary
Clinton’s statements re emails VS AP fact check and FBI findings
Americans don’t trust our Institutions because they fail to prosecute crooks like Hillary
Other times prosecutors weighed charging Hilary with a crime
FBI may be looking into the Clinton Foundation
Comey has long history of cases ending favorable to Clintons
Trump heading to Capitol Hill for Frank Talk about the GOP race
Obama proposes a post-presidency pay raise for himself
MORE STUFF On Hillary and FNI/Comey
If Trump wins he could appoint an AG who could still indict Hillary on the emails
Benghazi report claims military failed to act after terrorist attack began