Kyle Becker – “If the U.S. government had benign intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic…”

Kyle Becker – “If the U.S. government had benign intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic…”

Kyle Becker cuts to the chase on X…


Kyle Becker
If the U.S. government had benign intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic:

1. It would have been honest about it being an “accident” by admitting the funding to WIV

2. It wouldn’t have invented outlandish cover stories about bats, pangolins, and raccoon dogs

3. It wouldn’t have supported anti-constitutional NPI measures that did nothing to stop spread/lower mortality

4. It wouldn’t have lied by telling everyone to get the jab (regardless of risk and lack of long-term testing), while implying it magically ‘protects the community’

5. It wouldn’t have made children wear dehumanizing masks that experts knew from prior Asian pandemics did nothing to stop viruses, but heightened fear response

6. It would have held China fully accountable for the virus cover-up, which may have cost millions of lives

7. It wouldn’t have manipulated data, as Dr. Birx admitted occurred in interviews about the response

8. It wouldn’t have conflated Covid-related mortality and Covid-caused mortality to overstate risk (80% of deaths were elderly; most deaths had serious comorbidities)

9. It would have explained why the Pentagon/NIH funded the risky gain-of-function research despite bans

10. It would have raised suspicions about signs of pre-planning, like certain pharmaceutical patents, Event 201, Wuhan Military Games, and PLA stockpiling pandemic supplies

11. It would have declared the Wuhan virus to be a biological weapons attack

12. It wouldn’t have kept information secret from President Donald Trump at start of Covid pandemic

Kyle Becker

The Covid-19 pandemic was pre-planned.

The mRNA vaccine timeline doesn’t add up.

Dr. Ralph Baric had the RNA “blueprint” for the Wuhan virus.

The bat/pangolin wet market was a CIA cover story.

The U.S. government is the American people’s enemy.

We’re making this too hard.