27 Aug Lafayette Lee – A Masterful Wake Up Call to Up-and-Coming Millennials
Maybe you’re like me, a sharp kid from the lower middle-class who left a deep-red area for a good job and elite education and is now doing better than the folks back home. Maybe you’re like me and the shock of going somewhere from nowhere had you reeling, and you had to learn the hard way that the humble values you grew up with, even your patriotism, aren’t respected in your new environment…
It doesn’t matter whether you supported him or not, but maybe you’re like me and were surprised to find that almost everyone around you suddenly despised him with a relentless intensity you couldn’t fathom. And maybe all the histrionics, resentment, and denunciations of Trump made you uncomfortable too, particularly when you saw how much the folks back home loved and admired him.
Now is the time to pick a side. It’s not about Trump, and it’s not even about the folks back home, it’s about you… and I hope you’ll join us.