18 Oct Leading Ladies on the Dem Debate: Hillary and Joe; Presidential Forum in Plano
Listen here to the podcast from the second hour of our October 18th show.
Leading ladies Chris Davis and Mari Sullivan join Debbie to talk about the issues of the day.
The Democrat debate offered Hillary a pass on the emails—will the American people agree? A new Benghazi ad suggests not.
Joe Biden is watching—waiting for debate poll results and the Benghazi hearings.
Suzanne Blackstone calls in to report on tonight’s Presidential forum at the Prestonwood Baptist church in Plano. Much talk about religious freedom and the need to preserve it in America, among a great lineup of candidates, including Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Jeb Bush.
The leading ladies consider the irony of the Democrats railing about the bad economy…who’s been in charge the last seven years?
Methodists and Episcopal preachers blessing an abortion clinic? Doesn’t the Bible say something about calling evil good and good evil?
Tweet of the Week: “I’m not even on the stage and I’m winning the debate.” – Donald Trump