16 Mar March 13, 2016
First Fifteen
Debbie reviews the three groups now opposing Donald Trump: the hard left (such as moveon.org’s “Black Lives Matter”), the Republican establishment and ‘movement’ conservatives. It is the movement conservatives who have the most principled concern about what Trump actually stands for.
Congressman Jeb Hensarling calls in to talk about he and Senator Mike Lee and their Article One Project—a critical piece of returning the nation to constitutional governance.
In the second hour…
Leading ladies Cari Keleman and Jeni McGarry join Debbie to take a look at the most recent events in the presidential campaigns.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the March 13th show:
Poll Dems vs GOP voter priorities
War on women in Sweden… women stay in because refugees…
World needs a strong America, or bullies emboldened
January North Korea claims successful H-bomb test
North Korea ordering more testing
Rubio tells Ohio supporters to vote Kasich
ELECTORAL College advantage BIG TIME..