05 Jan Mark Steyn – The Shame of England
No one wants to post information so graphic it could literally make you sick.
But yesterday’s repost of Roger Simon’s “Say Good-bye to the ‘Islamophobia’ Hoax” inevitably causes a reflexive hope among the naive and underinformed that concerns about Islam are overblown; that “I know a Muslim and she’s nice”; and, especially as it relates to the UK and the EU, that “I know many people who have taken a recent bike-riding or other vacation in [England, Ireland, France, fill-in-the-blank] and everything was fine…these reports of grooming gangs and no-go-zones must be just the rantings of bigoted fear-mongers.” And so today’s repost of Mark Steyn’s latest “The Shame of England“, while disturbingly graphic, is a message to those naive and underinformed.
Wake the hell up.
Islam and western civilization don’t peacefully coexist in any single society on earth, because they can’t. They are founded upon radically and irreconcilably different principles or ideas as to the nature of God and man (and woman) and the purpose and meaning of life on earth.
There is a dangerous arrogance among an atheistic elite that all this doesn’t matter; that all religion is a form of opiate of the masses that can be cleverly managed by a surveillance state controlled by the right people. History offers zero evidence in support of this atheistic vision.
But history offers abundant evidence for America as founded to serve as the biblical ‘city on an hill’. It’s time for millions of Americans to relearn why. And waking up to the problem of Islam is a critical step in that relearning.
The Shame of England
On this week’s Clubland Q&A, my planned remarks on England’s epidemic of child gang-rape by Pakistani men were thrown off course by the mass murder and terror attacks of Joe Biden’s “peaceful transfer of power”.
Nevertheless, it was, for some of us, perplexing to see the mass fit of the vapours this week over things that should have been known to any Englishman more sentient than an earthworm for over a decade. I am what The Guardian calls a “niche Canadian”; I haven’t lived in the UK for a third of a century, and, even when I did, Rotherham was not my manor. Yet, after being told by Sammy Woodhouse and her friend which shopping centre it was going on at, I walked there, waited twenty minutes, and saw it.
So we are re-airing the show I did two years ago on this grotesque phenomenon. As I say at the beginning, it is not just about the Pakistani men who enjoy raping children but also about the police, politicians and social workers so anxious to accommodate their proclivities.
I think the programme merits another viewing – if only because the London media are so uninterested. For example, with his usual exquisite timing, the gilded buffoon Fraser Nelson, in Laura Perrins’ words, “served up one of the worst pieces written by any journalist anywhere on Planet Earth in 2024“. The point to remember, as Laura points out, is that Mr Nelson is what passes for a “conservative” in today’s Britain: former editor of The Spectator, columnist for the Telegraph… If he were to care a whit about working-class girls being gang-raped sex slaves, he might risk being damned as “far right” – or banged up in solitary like Tommy Robinson. So here’s the headline of his “worst piece“:
Britain’s integration miracle is a beacon of hope amid instability.
With that kind of talk, can a knighthood be far off?
For those interested to know more about this “integration miracle”, on the day of publication Twitter was lit up by various passages from an English court decision that started making the rounds on the Internet:
53) You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet. Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13. When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion (Count 28).
54) Mohammed Karrar, on one occasion when GH was 12, after raping her, she threatened you with your lock knife. Your reaction was to pick up a baseball bat with a silver metal handle, strike her on the head with it, and then insert the baseball bat inside her vagina. You treated her as if she was your commodity. You branded her (with your initial near her anal passage) using a hot hair pin. If GH did not comply with your wishes, if you were not with other people, you would lose your temper with her. As part of the grooming, you would provide her with crack cocaine and you injected GH with heroin on numerous occasions (Count 40).
The truly pathetic thing is that all this has been known for over a decade – even to Sir Keir Starmer. The court decision itself dates from 2013. I heard about the use of branding from girls I talked to nine years ago.
But no one cares – because the cause of anti-racist multiculti diversity is so “noble” (in Tom Holland’s revolting word) that hundreds of thousands of gang-raped children can be shooed into the shadows and left there to rot.
This first broadcast occurred because the mysterious man who had mysteriously emerged as that year’s British Prime Minister had announced that he was so disgusted by the industrial-scale gang-rape of English girls going on in innumerable towns up and down the land that he was – wait for it – setting up a 24/7 hotline.
GB News and its principal investor were sufficiently impressed by this to claim “victory” and move on, but on our show I was rather more sceptical of the Government’s “action”.
After giving my thoughts on the latest pseudo-initiative, we then revisit some of my coverage of this issue over the years, starting as always with the victims of this terrible scourge – Sammy Woodhouse from Rotherham and Samantha Smith from Telford, two of the bravest people I know and both of whom will be on April’s Mark Steyn Cruise. We also talk to former police officer Maggie Oliver of the Maggie Oliver Foundation and Oldham councillor Brian Hobin.
One thing that emerges in the accumulation of interviews – and which makes one even more cynical about a fresh spasm of “concern” – is that it is increasingly clear that all the previous “actions” of UK officialdom have been designed to obscure and obstruct the truth of what is happening, going back a decade-and-a-half to the Home Office under Gordon Brown. Anything that might have protected thousands upon thousands of white working-class girls – police, social services, official inquiries – has been ruthlessly subverted and compromised from the highest level down. The behaviour of South Yorkshire, West Mercia, Greater Manchester and other prominent constabularies is particularly disgusting. That is one reason why we are determined to stay on this story.
To watch this extended edition of The Mark Steyn Show, simply click below: