#NeverTrump v. #NeverHillary; Interview with TPPF’s Kathleen Hartnett White on ‘Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy’

#NeverTrump v. #NeverHillary; Interview with TPPF’s Kathleen Hartnett White on ‘Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy’

Listen to the first hour of our May 8th show, here.  Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the May 8th show, here.

The First Five


Debbie takes up the reality of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. Person, party and principles: where will Americans turn now? This GOP campaign has been so disturbing…an analogy to Ty Cobb and the repetition of lies is instructive. Donald Trump is a dangerous ‘person’ to latch onto; principles need to matter more.


What is the GOP going to stand for? What is its identity? Trump’s ‘unfavorables’ among women, blacks, Hispanics are historically high. But America’s future, in the starkest terms, is at stake. Debbie’s not a fan of Donald Trump, but is not a #NeverTrumper.


Switching topics, Kathleen Hartnett White from the Texas Public Policy Foundation calls in to talk about her new book “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy”. Lost in the climate change hysteria is the reality of what fossil fuels have done for the betterment of all humanity, and the absurdity of plans or aspirations to rid the world of fossil fuels. Renewables can’t serve as a full substitute or even a particularly large partial substitute.


Climate change hysteria just is not settled science; it is politicized science. Everyone should be able to ask questions.


Back to the GOP and Trump…principles, principles, principles—what is Trump really going to advocate for? What is his view of unifying principles? Conservative principles are well understood; Trump’s, not so much.


Is there a new GOP candidate who can force an Electoral College longshot scenario where the House of Representatives decides the election? Not realistic, but understandable that principled conservatives are thinking about it.