New Bumper Music–Enjoy! from Krista Branch; The Democrat Debate; Charlotte Hays of Independent Women’s Forum

New Bumper Music–Enjoy! from Krista Branch; The Democrat Debate; Charlotte Hays of Independent Women’s Forum

Listen here to the first hour of our October 18th show.  Links to articles here.

Show highlights:

Debbie’s First Fifteen addresses a hot topic of the week: the Democrat debate brought Bernie Sanders and an openly socialist agenda to full public view. Ellen DeGeneris wanted to celebrate Sanders and socialism, and ended up endorsing conservative principles. Even proud liberal Bill Maher pointed out Sanders’ proposals are wildly unaffordable.

Socialism is premised on the notion that there can be a separation between work and reward. Real life has never conformed to that notion; it never will.

Update on the Irving ‘clock-boy’—a plain and simple, manipulative set-up by Islamists and their media enablers. Everyone should consider how this relates to the issue of unvetted Islamic refugees from Syria and from elsewhere in the Middle East.

Charlotte Hays of the Independent Women’s Forum calls in to talk about the IWF, along with a myriad of issues affecting women that IWF weighs in on. A new California law for ‘fair pay’ is an example: a playground for lawsuits.

The background story of Krista Branch and the new music for “Ladies, Can We Talk?”—shows a perfect fit for the message of the show.

Ted Cruz earns a shout out for continuing to take principled stands against establishment polliticians on both sides of the political aisle.

One other story deserves attention: government employees now earn 78% more than their counterparts in the private sector. Does that sound right to you?