05 Jan New Year for Tina Peters
One top New Year’s resolution for me and I hope for millions this year is to NOT forget the unjustly incarcerated political prisoners in America whose new year will be the same as their last year unless integrity returns to our “justice” system, significant systemic corrections are made, and pardons issued. This includes Tina Peters, a widowed Gold Star mom who lost her Navy Seal son and only child, and whose only political activity her whole life up till a few years ago was to run for Clerk in a Colorado county.
Tina Peters is the former Mesa County Colorado clerk who was sentenced to nine years in jail for the “crime” of enabling forensic images to be taken of the inside of electronic voting machines. That’s it. She enabled forensic images to be taken (like taking a picture at a crime scene), which were then analyzed by cyber experts who concluded that those electronic voting machines had been corrupted, and election data had been altered. In other words, the experts concluded the electronic voting machines had rigged the election results…and Tina Peters was prosecuted and imprisoned to make sure the experts’ conclusions were suppressed and ignored.
Here are a few facts not in dispute:
- Nothing Tina Peters (or anyone acting on her behalf) did changed any data, altered any information, changed or manipulated any votes, or endangered or exposed any voter data. All that she did was to arrange for the equivalent of a picture to be taken, motivated by then-recent highly suspicious election results which prompted her to question the electronic voting machines.
- When cyber experts examined the forensic images from those Mesa Colorado voting machines, they wrote reports including Mesa County Report #3, that you can read HERE. All you really need to read is the Executive Summary, which reads in pertinent part:
“There was an unauthorized creation of new election databases during early voting in the 2020 General Election on October 21, 2020, followed by the digital reloading of 20,346 ballot records into the new election databases, making the original voter intent recorded from the ballots unknown….
The same unauthorized creation of new election databased occurred during the 2021 Grand Junction Municipal Election on March 30, 2021, followed by the digital reloading of 2,974 ballot records, making the original voter intent recorded on those ballots unknown….
The true total vote count in Mesa County, Colorado cannot be accurately calculated for the 2020 General Election or the 2021 Grand Junction Municipal Election.”
The report goes on to say that there is no function or feature that could have caused these events to occur inadvertently.
- Neither prosecutors nor any election officials at any level in Colorado ever acknowledged or publicly reacted to what Mesa County Report Number 3 reported, as far as my research shows. Breathtaking, deplorable, inexcusable lack of curiosity.
- Among the most jarring of all the facts in Tina Peters’ case is THIS post-trial admission by District Attorney Dan Rubenstein that “It didn’t really matter whether Dominion Voting Systems are reliable or not reliable or whether the elections were tampered with or not tampered with.”
Process this. He admits he does not care that the evidence uncovered by the forensic images showed corruption of the voting machines. He is good with prosecuting the person who impermissibly obtained those images, and totally disinterested in election tampering. This is the moral equivalent of prosecuting a jaywalker whose actions enabled authorities to capture a violent criminal, and letting the criminal go because after all the prosecutor got the jaywalker.
- Further evidence of the seemingly nakedly political motivation for this prosecution arises out of the password hysteria. Evidence was entered in Peters’ trial showing that some passwords related to those voting machine images were temporarily published online. No evidence Tina Peters knew or authorized those images to be online. Of course any passwords affiliated with election equipment must be carefully guarded, but these passwords were blurry to the point of illegible (I attended the trial and saw how illegible they were), AND they were expired, meaning usable by absolutely no one. Peters’ prosecutors did backflips of verbal hysteria over the online publication of these meaningless illegible expired passwords.
YET a few years later the incumbent Colorado Secretary of State acknowledged a voting equipment password leak of actual live/viable/legible passwords and no similar hysteria ensued. The situation was corrected quickly. No one was prosecuted, fired, or even publicly scolded. Not arguing they should have been, but I am arguing that the hysteria at the Peters’ trial over expired illegible passwords was artifice, revealing of the malice underlying the prosecution, designed to exaggerate the gravity of the situation and manipulate the jury.
- I had the privilege of attending her trial in Grand Junction Colorado in August of 2024 and conducting an interview with her at her home. Many more facts are available in this interview, plus you’ll get a first-hand look and feel of her good character and honest intentions.
Please don’t shy away from this Tina Peters story because of the assumption “she must have done something pretty bad, or they wouldn’t have prosecuted, or they wouldn’t have sent her to jail for so long.” The message to America from the Tina Peters case as well as the thousands of J6 prosecutions (more on that tomorrow) is that our government will not tolerate discussion of, protests over, or exposure of, election fraud, or even suspicion of such fraud. No American is safe if any American can be subjected to this official mockery of justice applied to our most fundamental right of self-government: honest elections.
Because Tina Peters was prosecuted in state court in Colorado, not federal, President Trump cannot pardon her BUT you can show support for her. Check out TinaPeters.us where you can donate to help her cover expenses, watch her Selection Code film, read all of the pleadings in her case, and grab that URL and share it with your friends.
Public understanding of her situation may be the most valuable weapon at her disposal. In Dallas some activists have been holding “Free Tina Peters” rallies on bridges over the freeways, and pushing wearing yellow ribbons to remember her. Maybe you can try this where you live! Keeping her story alive in the hearts and minds of Americans is itself very helpful to her. She is a also woman of strong and earnest Christian faith and would of course always appreciate your prayers.
Free Tina Peters!
Debbie Georgatos
Host of AmericaCanWeTalk.org
RNC Committeewoman for Texas