29 Nov November 29, 2015
First Fifteen
Debbie’s First Fifteen focuses on debunking a widely repeated yet false claim that ‘97% of climate scientists agree…” on something regarding global warming global cooling global climate change. This is a totally false and enormously misleading canard—and anyone can understand why. Just listen. Debbie shares insights from her recent conversation with the UK’s Lord Christopher Monckton—a very knowledgeable and outspoken ‘anti-alarmist’.
More in the first hour…
Congressman Lamar Smith, Chair of the Science Committee of the US House of Representatives, calls in to discuss the bizarre and unacceptable behavior of the NOAA in refusing to share its temperature measurement data.
Links to articles discussed during the first hour:
Cruz questions Sierra Club President on climate change and consensus and the pause
Lord Christoper Monckton on 2014 as the warmest year on record?
NOAA won’t comply with Lamar Smith’s congressional subpoenas on new data on warming temperatures
Lamar Smith and Suspicious NOAA Data
Second hour…
Leading ladies Cari Keleman and Lorie Medina join Debbie in the second hour roundtable.
Author, speaker and former Chair of the Texas Commission on Environment Quality Kathleen Hartnett White of called in to talk about fossil fuels, fracking, CO2, global climate change…a brilliant and very well-informed expert worth listening to. Ms. White is now a Distinguished Senior Fellow in residence with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
The leading ladies continue with discussion of the upcoming Paris conference on climate change. The facts simply do not support the hysteria or the proposed ‘solutions’. This matters to you: understand how much of life will be changed if the climate change alarmists get their agenda through the UN and the Senate…the failure to challenge climate change will result in it becoming “established fact”- Americans need to SPEAK UP NOW!
Links to articles discussed in the second hour:
NY AG investigating Exxon over denying climate change to investors years ago
Bill Gates: only socialism will save us from climate change now
Sun entering cooling period that could trigger ice age
Income inequality linked to climate change?
Climate change not science.. it is religion