October 9, 2016

October 9, 2016

The First Five


Debbie takes up the mainstream media’s efforts to suppress news about Hillary Clinton and making the Trump tape the only subject to be discussed.  The Russians, the Iranians, the economy in the tank, the Wikileaks disclosures, America’s weakened military—these are the critical issues of the day, not a tape of private citizen Donald Trump acting like Donald Trump. 


Special guest Laurie Guerra (Dallas lawyer, American of Hispanic background, and native of the Rio Grande Valley) is in studio to talk about why she has supported Donald Trump from the beginning, and is not dissuaded by media distractions.


Publisher and leader of free market economics Steve Forbes calls in to talk about his new book, ‘Reviving America’.  Repealing Obamacare, enacting a flat tax, and strengthening the US dollar are Forbes’ keys to restoring economic growth to America.


In the second hour….


The Right View Roundtable Question:


Numerous high level Republicans have called for Trump to withdraw after the release of a 10 year old tape on which he speaks in a lewd manner about women.  Given the release of this tape, what’s going to be the impact on the 2016 election & on the GOP?  How bad is this for the Trump/Pence ticket?

Lorie Medina wasn’t surprised by the Trump tape, but it was upsetting to hear the reactions.  She wouldn’t mind Trump stepping down.  Lorie doesn’t want a battle cry ‘the other guys are worse’.


Mari Sullivan still backs Trump to the hilt—because he’s the only thing standing between America and Hillary.


Debbie denounces Trump, too, but thinks Hillary really is worse.


The balance of the show is consumed by Trump and Hillary…


Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the show—


Newly released emails show White House coordinated with Hilary about covering up email scandal 

Wikileaks Podesta emails show links to Clinton’s Goldman & Wall street speeches 

Leaked emails show Hillary supports open trade and borders 

Leaked emails show Hillary coordinating with Soros 

Leaked emails show Hillary’s surreptitious plans for gun control 

Trump tape released and GOP condemns Trump 

Trump vows never to drop out 

GOP senator and congressman call for Trump to drop out 

Bill Whittle from Truth Revolt: Hillary & the Economy 

The Financial crisis Causes: Bill Whittle & Truth Revolt 

Obamacare & Insurance Bailout 

Obama plans to Circumvent Congress and Bail out Insurers 

Obamacare blocking effort by GOP 

Bail out of Obamacare? 

Jim Comey’s Blind Eye — The FBI director can’t defend immunity for Hillary Clinton’s aides—which says volumes 

Comey & FBI:   Cheryl Mills lied about Hillary’s server 

Comey’s immunity deals with Hillary 

ISIS calls for campaign of knife attacks 

Surge in border crossing before election 

Obama rushing large numbers of refugees through 

How Duke has institutionalized Brophobia 

Experts said Arctic Ice would melt entirely by September 2016. They were wrong 

The Kaine Impunity by Peggy Noonan