The PC narrative: Women, compared to men, are paid 77 cents on the dollar! Government action, new laws and more regulations, must correct this pay discrepancy between men and women.

  • The claim that women are paid 77 cents on the dollar for the same work done by men is flat out false; a complete myth. Despite it having been repeatedly disproved, some politicians keep spreading the lie.
  • This myth is repeated by politicians for the purpose of seeking women’s votes by making them feel like they are helpless victims in need of rescue by big government. It is offensive for politicians to perpetuate this lie for the purpose winning elections.
  • When compensation for men and women is compared on the basis of the same jobs/work, same employee qualifications, same hours and working conditions, compensation of men and women is substantially equal in America.
  • Differences in compensation levels between men and women are almost entirely accounted for by (1) differences between men and women in career and college major choices, and (2) voluntary choices by women to seek flexible hours and part time work to attend to children and family responsibilities.
  • Women have growing opportunity in America’s free market economy to work hard and be successful. As one example, women, as a percentage of graduate students in American universities, have dramatically increased across all fields of study over the past 50 years; in some fields, such as veterinary science, they comprise a majority of the students. Many top universities consistently graduate more women than men.
  • Capitalism delivers more pay equity for women than government controlled economies do. The more government interferes with the economy to make things “fairer,” the worse the disparity in income becomes between men and women. Compensation for men and women (and opportunity generally) is much closer to equal in free market economies like the US; it is farther apart in socialist and other government-controlled economies.
  • Federal and state statutes already exist that outlaw pay discrimination, and women who really are paid less than their male counterparts should use those laws and demand fairness.
  • No law can ever make every employer behave perfectly fairly. Women need to insist on pay fairness, similar pay for similar jobs.