People CAN wake up!

People CAN wake up!

A bright future is possible.

Karla Joy Treadway

I am so grateful I woke up from whatever hypnosis that was that I was under.

I apologize to conservatives, to religious people, to the mothers who were questioning the medicines and foods we gave our children. I didn’t realize how out of touch I was and how manipulated I was by the media and culture in general.

I think it’s really important for people to set aside their tribalism and admit when they were wrong.

So I’ll go first.

4 years ago I thought conservatives were bad rich white corporate people who hated the poor. I hated Trump (I believed what Canadian media said about him) but I probably couldn’t tell you one single thing that he did wrong or didn’t do right.

I pretended like I knew what I was talking about when it came to politics but the truth is all I cared about was not voting conservative. I had such strong opinions about it and maybe I even thought I had done my due diligence. But the truth is I would open up the political platform days before voting day and read between the liberal and NDP parties platform highlights and choose from there.

I had NO IDEA and no business voting.

I hated the churches and thought religious people were brainwashed. I felt superior in my spiritual practices as if I knew better than thousands of years of peaceful people gathering to worship Jesus. Meanwhile I was drinking, I was partying and filled with anxiety and depression while I did these bandaid eastern wisdom practices that temporarily fixed small problems.

I thought the anti-vaxxer moms were crazy and uneducated.

In 2019 I went to social justice trainings because that was the thing back then and this is where I started to wake up. Not only did it not make sense… so clearly made things worse.

And then I woke up.

Not all at once.

Bit by bit.

It started with the visceral feeling that the sometimes well meaning social justice trainings were manipulative and encouraging division and hatred over healing.

Then the pandemic and how the media handled it.

Then the illegal and corrupt actions of our government.

Then the realization that these medicines were causing more hurt than harm.

Then my deep dive into understanding politics, geopolitics and the world’s history.

Then I met Jesus.

And everything else spiralled into place after that.

I didn’t just “switch teams” – I’m not on a team. I’m just very very aware of history, the inner workings of politics, how the medical system works and what I need to do to have a good life.

I know what it’s like to be a good person who simply doesn’t pay attention to the world beyond the surface of what media shows.

There are many of us now.

Be patient with people.

They can change.

