02 Jan Reprinted from Brushfires of Freedom 2012 – The Problem is Islam
The Problem is Islam
America’s founding fathers would likely be stunned and disheartened that in less than 250 years, America has found itself led by a class of secular elites whose religious ignorance and spiritual vacuity almost defies description.
We have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the American military, Martin Dempsey, calling on an American private citizen, Terry Moran, to stop any speaking, writing, or film-making—i.e., any exercise of his First Amendment rights—that might be offensive to Muslims.
We have an American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, saying she is stunned at why an Islamist mob would storm an American consulate/safe house in Benghazi, Libya and literally rape, pillage and murder the US ambassador. She’s led such an understanding, apologizing and sincere outreach effort to our friends the Islamists…she just can’t understand the complicated and confounding world we live in.
We have a White House spokesman, Jay Carney, who wants to make the official position of the American government that a massively coordinated attack in multiple Middle Eastern locations by heavily armed Islamists on the anniversary of September 11 is all because of a film clip virtually nobody has seen.
And of course, we have Barack Obama, ostensibly the President of the United States of America, who responds to an obvious act of war with a fund-raising trip to Las Vegas, along with plans to appear in a few days on the Letterman Show.
Every one of these people should resign their offices, immediately. America is in desperate need of adult leadership, and these people are dangerously clueless.
Learn more and gain valuable perspectives from Mark Steyn, Michael Walsh and Caroline Glick. But in this piece, we want to highlight the uncomfortable truths that most of the American heartland understands, but our elites just don’t want to or can’t face.
- America is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles.
- Judeo-Christian teachings—as memorialized in the Bible—reveal a God of love, spirit, and truth, and they draw a distinction, developed over centuries, of man as the child of this God vs. man as the child of flesh. The man who is the child of a loving God is the man of the Declaration of Independence—created free and equal, endowed with inalienable rights, and capable of self-rule.
- Islamic theology does not embrace a God of love, spirit, truth; it has an Allah of hate, revenge, oppression, bloodshed and tyranny. The child of this Allah is like him.
- There is no way to reconcile Judeo-Christian principles and teaching, and Islamic rules and teaching. The idiocy represented by “we all worship the same God (of Abraham)” is just that, idiocy.
- There is no way to reconcile American jurisprudence with sharia law. Lightweight, high-minded nonsense about America’s guarantee of freedom of religion as applying to all religions just can’t escape the historical fact that America was not founded by Islamists or anyone contemplating the practice of Islam. We can turn ourselves into pretzels trying to make Islam fit with American ideals, but it won’t fit because it can’t fit.
- Islamists know all of this, and are not in the slightest interested in peaceful coexistence with Judeo-Christian societies and cultures—which is to say, western civilization. They want to infiltrate them, transform them and take them over. And if a whole lot of infidels have to be killed to make this happen, their answer is: so be it. No amount of apologizing; no amount of multi-cultural diversity blather; and no amount of sophisticated moral relativism inserted into speech-making will change these facts.
Though it would be counterintuitive to the secular elites, the sooner Americans and their leaders come to grip with these facts, the sooner we can fashion a way forward that does not involve world conflagration. An out-of-control conflagration is much more likely if America continues to be led by the mushiness and confusion that currently exists. Weakness, vacillation, apologies and national self-condemnation invite more attacks.
America’s Judeo-Christian culture is a better culture than one controlled by Islam. Period. And it must be preserved and protected.
There is no appeasing Islamists; there is no accommodation to be made for sharia law in America. Islamist mob violence must be stopped, and with overwhelming force. Financial support to Islamist regimes must be cut off, entirely and immediately. America’s alliance with Israel must be affirmed, without qualification.
…Because the problem isn’t people; it isn’t actually human beings who call themselves Muslim. The problem is Islam.