Sam Faddis – Bannon Is Willing To Go To Prison To Save His Country – What Are You Prepared To Do?

Sam Faddis – Bannon Is Willing To Go To Prison To Save His Country – What Are You Prepared To Do?

Steve Bannon is securing his place in American history.  He understands the uniqueness and exceptional brilliance of the American Constitutional Republicd…and how essential it is to all mankind.  God-given freedom and individual dignity and rights are at stake.

And he walks the walk.  He is reporting to prison on July 1 as a political prisoner of Merrick Garland and Nancy Pelosi and a corrupt-beyond-description Deep State and DC ruling class.  His eloquence in describing what has happened to him and to America is waking up America; his insistence that no one use energy to write him a letter during his 4-month sentence because such energy must be devoted to saving the Republic is Patrick Henry-esque.  God bless him.

Sam Faddis has noticed and has transformed Bannon’s heroism into a call to us all.  There is no excuse at this point for not being wide awake to what has been perpetrated on the American people.  It’s time for every citizen to rise up; it’s time to insist that this country shall not be lost to lies, including the lies of communism/atheism.


Bannon Is Willing To Go To Prison To Save His Country – What Are You Prepared To Do?