Sam Faddis – Context for the Trump Verdict: A Declaration of War on the United States

Sam Faddis – Context for the Trump Verdict: A Declaration of War on the United States

Today’s guilty verdict against Trump must be seen in context, and Sam Faddis, perhaps inadvertently, laid some of the contextual groundwork in his recent piece on the convoluted ‘anti-genocide’ protests at American universities.  These are not organic; hatred of Jews is not part of the American character.  This is a paid-for front in the communist revolution/war to destroy western–i.e., Judeo-Christian–civilization once and for all.

This war is more serious and deadly than any other war for America’s survival; it’s not a stretch to suggest Reagan’s vision of ‘a thousand years of darkness‘ may lie ahead.

Let’s hope the Trump verdict is a Pearl Harbor event in this war…as Japanese Admiral Yamamoto famously warned in the aftermath of that attack:

‘I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.’

When the American people are filled with a terrible resolve to preserve their divine heritage of freedom…watch out.


This Was Never About “Genocide”