The PC narrative: Gays should be able to marry like anyone else; any opposition is just hate and bigotry and ignorance.

Talking truth in America and about America:

  • Marriage long predates the formation of the USA. Its central purpose is to be an institution recognized society-wide as a voluntary bond between one man and one woman who have chosen to meld their lives and resources, and to be parents of the children they produce. Society and children without marriage would be less stable and less ordered.
  • Children can only be naturally produced by one man and one woman, and establishing marriage as a fundamental societal unit that is made up of parents and their offspring provides those children with the best chance of emotional security, well-being, safety, and love.
  • Five people who happen to serve on a court do not have the authority or wisdom to redefine marriage. In the American system, that is a decision for the people of each state. 
  • Supporting marriage in its traditional form does not equate to hating anything or anyone; it actually reflects trust, respect and hope for the goodness and stability marriage can foster for children (and the impetus for commitment of the mother and father to stay married).  That marriage does not always work out that way does not make the institution less desirable or in need of redefinition.
  • The U.S government’s massive data collection reveals that under 2% of Americans are gay or lesbian, far less than advocacy organizations claim.
  • Despite the most loving of intentions, overwhelming social science “evidence supports that gender-differentiated parenting is important for human development and that the contribution of fathers to childrearing is unique and irreplaceable.” In English: kids need a dad and a mom, male and female. LOTS of data on marriage here.
  • Standing up for traditional marriage does not interfere with the right of individuals to choose different relationships. The question is just whether society, legally, should or must change the definition of marriage based on the choices of those individuals.
  • Individuals in same sex relationships can buy property together, live together, name each other in their wills, and in countless other ways care for each other. Standing for traditional marriage does not prevent this, and does not try to prevent it.
  • The Supreme Court decision that imposed same-sex marriage on all 50 states will have spawned far more litigation and contention than it settled, because at its core, regardless of what was decided, no one can change the authentic idea of marriage.