18 Sep September 18, 2016
First Five
Hillary and the deplorables…she is tripling down on the tactic of dividing Americans—why? It’s the classic Democrat strategy of making voters out of victims. Making a racist ‘monster’ out of Donald Trump is her goal, and it works among the ignorant.
Debbie shares examples and ideas of how America is a good country, filled with good and decent people. Suspicion, doubt and resentment stoked by Obama and Clinton need to be rejected. A black police union member is filing a class action lawsuit against all the race baiters. Probably won’t go anywhere as a lawsuit, but it’s a powerful initiative and signal of decent people willing to fight back against the narratives of the liberal media.
Hillary is also trying to float the Obama birther issue as a racist Trump initiative. It won’t work.
John “Tig” Tiegen of the 9/11/12 Benghazi battle calls in to talk about his efforts to draw attention to Hillary’s irresponsibility on that date. She claims Donald Trump isn’t qualified to be Commander-in-Chief; Tig has a different point of view. Tig is a blunt talker who hasn’t been involved in politics; his common sense is good to hear.
The final segment of the first hour draws attention to Constitution Day, which perhaps should be as honored in the country as the 4th of July. The American founding enshrines eternal truths.
Media determination to lie in support of Hillary never ends, and can never get enough attention.
Will loss of the ICAAN contract to the UN (control of the internet) really happen? Texas’ US Senator Ted Cruz is doing everything he can to stop this loss of freedom.
In the second hour…
Leading ladies Chris Davis and Mari Sullivan join Debbie for the second hour roundtable. The rapid fire opening question for them: the bombs in NYC and the attack in St. Cloud—what will be the effect on the presidential campaign?
Chris and Mari both think Donald Trump senses what every American already knows: Islam is the problem, and we need to get a fighter in the Oval Office.
Media dishonesty in support of Hillary Clinton is just relentless and is crippling the country. Bombs in NYC and knife attacks in St. Cloud need to be named exactly what they are.
Dr. Milton Wolf, former candidate for US Senator from Kansas, calls in to talk about Hillary’s health. Dr. Wolf has insights that you won’t hear elsewhere.
The St. Cloud police is actually stumped about the motive of the St. Cloud mall attacker who asked if people were Muslim; and only those who were NOT Muslim were attacked.
George Soros comes up again; his Open Society emails were hacked and show how he is funding local elections much more than previously thought. Local District Attorneys have underappreciated amounts of power to enforce a political agenda.
Links to articles reviewed in preparation for the September 18th show:
Birther battle: Hillary started it with Obama birther but now makes it an attack point at Trump
Hillary attacking Trump on birther
Obama’s literary agent in 1991 said Obama was Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii
Tweets saying Fallon “humanized a monster” by messing with Trump’s hair and making Trump look normal
Trump speech at Economic Club and CNBC finds racism in it
Hispanic mom with black son who was killed by an illegal immigrant, and she is called a racist Nazi
Black Dallas cop sues Black lives matter, Soros, for inciting race war
Benghazi heroes Oz and Tig endorse Trump
Soros funds Dem DA candidate causing GOP candidate to drop out: