Seth Keshel – The American Spirit

Seth Keshel – The American Spirit

Seth Keshel has been a guest on America Can We Talk? and a speaker at ACWT’s Summit 2.0 “Women for Freedom” conference last September.  And he’ll be a guest again soon!

American heroes from the Revolutionary War era–Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale–take on near-mythical greatness over time, when the reality almost certainly was and is that they were ‘regular’ people–full of strengths and weaknesses–who simply felt the calling of the times and rose to the greatness that may have been in lots of their contemporaries.  But they were the ones that answered the call and stood up when it cost something to do so.

Seth Keshel is in many ways a pretty regular guy who has answered the calling of these times.  His analytical mind–exercised in support of an Ole Miss baseball team he couldn’t make as a player–prepared him for being an intelligence analyst for the US Army…which eventually led him to apply analytics regarding voter registrations, party affiliations and turnout in elections all the way to the precinct level–most notably, the 2020 presidential election.

Dr. Douglas Frank and Seth Keshel have become in our view the towering sources of irrefutable proof of massive, outcome-changing fraud in 2020.  (They are the subject of smear jobs and hit pieces, but their data and analysis are never really touched).  And both have answered the call and put everything on the line to fix 2020 and save America.

Keshel in particular has taken on the role of inspirational patriot leader on Telegram and elsewhere through his prolific touring and speech-making and interview to share his election analysis.

His latest Telegram post caught our eye.  Patrick Henry would be proud.


[Forwarded from Seth Keshel]
You know what I’m thankful for?

Another day to get after it, and spread the ideas of freedom throughout the country. When did we stop dreaming? The nation itself was born from revolutionary ideas, from people who decided not to take “good enough,” but to go for broke. They threw a miniature rebellion over a tax on their breakfast drink of choice. We tolerate garbage mandates and the teaching of our children to hate their own nation.

We can dream. We can be those people again, because it HAS happened before. We can have leaders, lead the world in ideas, throw off things that restrain us, and with confidence bring about a better future that hinges on righteousness and justice in this society.

We are where we are because people gave up asking “If Not You, Who?” and left it to everyone else. We thought the freedoms could be passed down in the bloodstream. No more of that thought. Every person needs to take a look in the mirror and ask if they want the story they tell their grandkids to be based on number of good nights of sleep and consecutive days with a so-so life and job that is “good enough,” or one that legends are written about.

The cynicism has given rise to a loss in dreams. I’m 37 – When I was 17, I wanted to do everything everyone else wanted to do. And that time has come and gone. My ridiculous level of energy drives me ahead, and when I do feel down, being around patriots who tell stories of victory brings my energy level back. I love being alive right now, even when some circumstances are absolutely dreadful. You could have been born in the most boring of times, sentenced to live in passivity – instead, you’re here – a character in one of the most pivotal chapters in human history.

Your decision to get involved is not without risk. People get canceled. I lost my “day job” last month. I can’t prove anything, but I was born at night, but not last night. I’ve been written about by some of the largest publications in the world, and the people’s president mentioned me twice publicly in the past six months. But what is life without liberty? If your security comes at the cost of sacrificing all that you believe in – you are not living. You’re merely existing.

When you master the subtle art of not giving a damn what people think, you will be on the precipice of turning your mess into your message, with God driving you ahead. Be well everyone, and choose a positive attitude today. You were awakened for a great purpose!